2017-2018 Course Selection It is that time of year again---Course Selection!!! Please listen carefully to the following presentation.
What you need to graduate with an Endorsement in Multidisciplinary 4 Credits of English 4 Credits of Math 4 Credits of Science 3 Credits of Social Studies (we recommend 4) 2 Credits of World Language ½ Credit of Health ½ Credit of Professional Communications 1 Credit of PE 1 Credit of Fine Arts 4 Endorsement Credits 2 Elective Credits ***TOTAL: 26
Multidisciplinary Endorsement Pathways Four credits in each of the four core subjects: English, Math, Science, Social Studies Four credits in AP classes Four advanced credits among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence
4 Core Courses 4 years of English And 4 years of Math that must include Algebra I and Geometry 4 years of Science that must include Biology and Chemistry and/or Physics 4 years of Social Studies that must include World Geo and/or World History, US History and Government and Economics
LAST WORDS Carefully choose your classes – courses and levels Listen to your teachers regarding level choice recommendations Level changes do not begin until week 4 of the new school year. Students are expected to seek support from their teachers prior to a level change. Students experiencing success (maintaining a C or better) should remain in the class for the semester. It is okay to take honors in one class and not another Discuss choosing the correct level and the slim chance of getting it changed. Classes they take for HS credit in MS—if student does not pass BOTH semesters of a course for HS credit neither semester will be in student’s course history. It is all or nothing. Not attending DHS next year—still submit a course selection sheet!
What happens if you don’t submit a course selection sheet? Your counselor will choose all courses for you with NO option to change at a later date for ANY reason. You will be disappointed when you are taking classes that you did not choose yourself. If you care about your courses, submit the course selection and verification sheets during your lunch anytime between February 6th-22nd. The due date is February 22nd. Read as is
Be Involved ! Grades determine your GPA and Class Rank used for post-secondary opportunities!! Every year counts towards your GPA! Do not wait until your senior year to join activities! Join a club/team at school Part time jobs Volunteer: YES Hours can start this summer
ONLINE COURSE SELECTION Once you have filled out your course selection sheet, you will log-on to the family access page located on the Fort Bend ISD website. Your log-in and password are the same as you use on the computer at school. You will attach a computer printout of your choices to your green course selection sheet.
Online Course Selection begins February 1st!
Everything is due February 22nd!!!!