Expression of transgenic IGF-1Ea propeptide in the skin reduces the severity of contact hypersensitivity responses. Expression of transgenic IGF-1Ea propeptide in the skin reduces the severity of contact hypersensitivity responses. (A) Inflammatory reaction (ear swelling) 24 and 48 hours after elicitation of a CHS response in K14/IGF-1Ea mice as compared with wild-type (WT) mice (n=14–16, FVB mouse strain). The experiment was repeated seven times by independent researchers and the graph depicts pooled data from two experiments. (B) Upper panels: macroscopic indications of inflammation (arrows) in wild-type and K14/IGF-1Ea ears 24 hours after elicitation. Lower panels: Immunohistological analysis of wild-type and K14/IGF-1Ea ears in ear cross-sections stained with H&E to visualize pathological changes and inflammatory infiltration. One representative staining of the indicated experimental groups is shown (n=10/group, repeated three times). (C) Quantification of pathology in H&E stained ear sections 24 hours after elicitation using the total number of nuclei per section (left panel) or area of infiltration (right panel). (D) Flow cytometric analysis of baseline resident CD45+ immune cells in the skin of K14/IGF-1Ea mice and wild-type controls. (E) Spleen weight of K14/IGF-1Ea mice and wild-type controls. *P<0.05, **P<0.01. Bjarki Johannesson et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2014;7:977-985 © 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd