The Inspection Panel 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC USA Citizen-Driven Accountability: The Inspection Panel and Development Policy Operations Serge Selwan, Sr. Operations Officer The Inspection Panel October 9, 2013
Jurisdiction Resolution The Panel shall receive requests for inspection (…) with respect to the design, appraisal and/or implementation of a project financed by the Bank Compensation for Expropriation and Extension of IDA Credits to Ethiopia (1995) – Scope of the Mandate of the Inspection Panel (exchange between GC and IPN Chair) 1996 Clarifications: The word project as used in the Resolution has the same meaning as it generally has in the Banks practice Since DPL Policy – 3 cases (DRC-Forest; Yemen-IRDP; and Poland-3 rd EEHCD) 2
Some Admissibility Criteria Two people or a local organization or representative(s) Affected, or likely to be affected, by project activities Who believe that actual or likely harm results from failure by the Bank to follow its policies and procedures Project must not be closed or over 95% disbursed Management must have prior knowledge of the Requesters concerns 3
OP 8.60 – Development Policy Lending Provisions Relevant for Accountability Para. 6: Consultations and Participation (Bank advises - the participation of key stakeholders; disclosure of relevant Bank- work) Para. 9: Analytic Underpinnings Para. 10: Poverty and Social Impacts Para. 11: Environmental, Forests, and other Natural Resource Aspects Para. 16: Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation (borrower-driven; Bank assesses adequacy of arrangements) Para. 29: Program Document (disclosure post approval unless agreed to by the borrower) 4
Democratic Republic of Congo: Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project (2005) Request for Inspection related to EESRSP and TSERO (impacts on Indigenous Peoples and on forests) Request received November 19, 2005 Panel due diligence completed and Registration December 1, 2005 TSERO approved on December 8, 2005 Fully Disbursed December 28, 2005 (90 million USD – Single-Tranche) If Request was on TSERO only, meaningful opportunity for accountability (20 days) Management Response received January 13, 2006 Panel Field visit Eligibility Report issued February 16, 2006 (Investigation approved on February 28, 2006) 5
Yemen: Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing (2009) The Yemen Observatory for Human Rights, a local NGO (consultation, disclosure, and issues related to taxation and subsidy) IRDPF approved December 6, 2007 (2 Tranches – 50 million USD) 1 st Tranche Disbursed – July 07, 2008 (Cabinet approval and submission to Parliament of a new tax law) – 25 million USD Request received April 13, 2009 Panel due diligence completed and Registration April 20, 2009 Management Response received May 20, 2009 Panel Field visit June 9-12, 2009 (Managements translation of Program Document shared with Requesters) Eligibility Report issued June 18, nd Tranche cancelled – September 29,
Poland: Third Employment, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Development Policy Loan (2010) Two survivors of the holocaust (restitution of property) Request received June 8, rd EEHCD approved June 17, US$ billion (Single-Tranche) Disbursement July 7, 2010 (Conditions were already met and included the enactment of several laws and regulations related to: the provision of family allowance; family benefits; 2010 budget; the pension fund; delivery of services in Poland in line with the EU Services Directive; etc…). meaningful opportunity for accountability (20 days) Program Document shared with Requesters after approval Due diligence completed and Non-Registration decision taken on July 23, 2010 (no linkage between alleged harm and 3 rd EEHCD) 8
Thank you