Whitmore High School New Intake Evening 2019 Welcome to Whitmore High School New Intake Evening 2019
Welcome Mr Innes Robinson Head, Whitmore High School
Exciting times. In September 2019 you will be attending Whitmore High School. Your first step into Secondary Education.
Key Date:
Most of you have already visited the school at our Open Evening last year or during our Year 6 day.
Differences Let’s look at some of the differences between Junior school and Whitmore High School
New Friends We have 5 feeder Primary Schools You will be in a class with someone from your Junior School (a friend if possible) We have a 7 Form entry Average class sizes will be about 26
New Subjects In your first year you will take the following subjects – some of which will be new to you
English Maths RS Geography PE ART HISTORY Welsh ICT
Food Technology Science Technology Drama MUSIC French Spanish
For each of these subjects you will have a different member of staff !
How will I cope?
Form Teacher You will not have a class teacher who takes you for ALL lessons but your Form Teacher will: take the register every morning take a tutorial period when year 7 has no assembly.
This allows us to: Give form tutors a better overview of your son’s and daughter’s academic progress. Be better placed to spot underachievement at the earliest possible stage! Be a support and mentor for your son and daughter.
The BIG school You will have to move to different rooms for each subject 3 FLOORS ART BLOCK SPORTS HALL GYM MUSIC AND DRAMA BLOCK
School Rules 1. Be respectful and supportive of each other. 2. Be courteous to all members of staff and visitors. 3. Look after school property and keep our school free of litter and graffiti. 4. Wear your school uniform at all times.
School Rules (cont.) 5. Walk on the left in a quiet and orderly manner. 6. Stay on site during school hours. 7. Use the toilets only at break/lunch times. 8. Look after your personal property.
Classroom Rules 1. Follow instructions the first time they are given. 2. Be punctual to all lessons with all the equipment and books that you need. 3. Raise your hand and wait if you wish to speak, do not call out or talk to friends. 4. Avoid teasing other pupils or calling them names.
SIMS system used to record positive attitude and behaviour, any negative issues and attendance
Tracking the positives We always track all pupils’ positive behaviour to ensure everyone reaches their potential.
The School day 8.40 – Assembly/Tutorial 8.55 – Period 1 10.55 – Break 11.20 – Period 3 12.20 – Period 4 1.20 – Lunch 1.55 – Period 5 2.55 – end of school day
You will be given a planner to help you to organise your work
The Canteen
Load cash on this machine for the week or parents can use an online facility.
3 opportunities to use the canteen Breakfast Break (10.55 to 11.20) Lunchtime (1.20 to 1.55)
Uniform White Shirt School Tie Blue V neck Jumper (optional) Black Skirt Black Blazer with school badge School Badge Black Trousers
PE KIT Royal Blue Sports Top Black Sports Skirt Black Shorts and Socks
Suppliers A Class Apart 9 The Parade Castle Drive Dinas Powys CF64 4NR 02920 515722 www.aclassapart.co.uk Ruckleys 45 Holton Road Barry CF63 4HB 01446 700006 www.ruckleys.co.uk
Things not to bring to school
Key Staff:
Receptionists: Mrs Parsons Mrs Kerslake
Learning and well being manager Pupil support Support of young carers Link to outside agencies Social and emotional support person Behaviour support Ms Neilson
First School in Wales to be awarded young carers award!
Attendance Officer Ms Geddes
Attendance 94% 97% attendance is the target for all. 90% attendance = 4 weeks off per year!!!! Attendance average 3 previous years 94%
Head of ALN Mr Davies
The Form Teachers Year 7
7RD Miss N Jones
7DT Mrs Williams
7ANB Mr Pullum
7LG Mrs Davies
7GW Mrs Easton
7TW Miss K Jones
7KWS Miss Sutton
Head of Year 7 Mr Williams
Mr Williams is responsible for the transition from Junior School to Whitmore High School and will have an overview of your child’s progress in Year 7.
New Intake Week: Mon 1st – Thurs 4th July Pupils arrive at 9:00am (Hall) in their current school uniform. We will be providing a variety of lessons for each class, on each day. They will be guided throughout the day by 2 older pupils. Year 6 teachers/LSAs will also be attending. They will be placed in their form groups for the whole day. A packed lunch is needed. Pupils will be dismissed from the Hall at 2.30pm.
Please take the opportunity before you leave to visit the canteen Meet Form Teachers and key staff Hand in medical forms Uniform exhibition Canteen deposits
Through the atrium to the green doors and up the ramp
Many thanks for your attendance this evening