NAFTA Teamwork At Its Finest
Team Members Border State Representatives – Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas – Both IFTA and IRP US Department of Transportation – Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Supporting Contractors The Federal Government of Mexico – Various Agencies
Team Members Transport Canada IRP, Inc. IFTA, Inc. Industry Partners AAMVA Motor Carrier Services
Discussion Points Ballots Pass Working Group Meeting – June 2, 2006 Border Enforcement Grants Program for IFTA and IRP Issue Brief – Posted by NGA
BORDER STATES BALLOTS All Effective January 1, 2006
STFBP #7-2004 Articles of Agreement Section R325 amended to clarify that an IFTA member jurisdiction may license a Mexican motor carrier and that such motor carrier must either pay audit expenses or make the records available in the base jurisdiction at the discretion of the base jurisdiction. Articles of Agreement Section 960 amended to authorize the use of any national postmark to determine timely filing.
STFBP #8-2004 Articles of Agreement Section R340 amended to allow a member jurisdiction to require a bond when licensing a carrier under R325 thereby making a Border State its IFTA base jurisdiction.
STFPB #9-2004 Articles of Agreement Sections R1010 and R1020 and the Procedures Manual Section P570 amended to clarify that credit may be taken only for tax paid fuel purchased in member jurisdictions and to make the provisions of the two governing documents consistent.
Working Group 2005 - 2006
Meeting – June 2, 2006 All border states were represented for both IFTA and IRP – held Tucson, AZ Review of actions items from October, January, and March meetings Review of IFTA and IRP training modules Discussion on standard minimum bond
Meeting – June 2, 2006 Information exchange between border states Language expectations on application and reporting forms Exchange of operating authority status between Mexico, FMCSA, and border states Implementation timeline
Meeting – June 2, 2006 Trip permits remain the short term option should the border open immediately Border state representatives agree that the key to the success of this effort will be education and training
FMCSA Border Enforcement Grant Program Funds available September 2005 Expire September 2007 – No further funding is guaranteed Specific Eligible State Activities Personnel expenses, including recruitment and screening, training salaries, fringe benefits and supervision Equipment and software development expenses Travel Expenses associated with training and coordinating training efforts Expenses related to improvement of real property
Issue Brief The Issue Brief prepared on behalf of the working group has been posted by the National Governors Association (NGA) on its Center for Best Practices Website