Club Leadership Training Session President Club Leadership Training Session Achieving Success As President 1311A.1
President Why are we here? To help Club Presidents clearly understand their roles How to facilitate communications when expectations differ Share Best Practices To learn from other’s past experiences To learn to overcome unexpected challenges. 1
What does a Club President Do? Toastmasters International states in the Constitution and Bylaws: “The club president is the chief execute officer of this club and is responsible for fulfilling the mission of the club.” 2
What is the mission of the club? President What is the mission of the club? We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. 3
THE CLUB MEMBERS What does all this mean? President What does all this mean? Always remember who this is about!! THE CLUB MEMBERS 4
Things to do as President Inside the Club Meeting Outside the Club Meeting Executive club meetings 1
Set the tone for the club Preside over club meetings President Role of the President Set the tone for the club Preside over club meetings Schedule and run Executive Committee meetings Lay out Club Success Plan Primary liason with District Leadership 1
Understand all officer roles President Role of the President Understand all officer roles VP Education VP Membership VP Public Relations Treasurer Secretary Sergeant At Arms 1
What has changed since Feb. 13, 2018? President What has changed since Feb. 13, 2018? Pathways is for all new members! Mix of educational programs - Traditional Members througJh une 2020 (CC, ACB, CL, ALB DTM) - Pathways for ALL Members VP of Education is Pathways Base Camp Manager with President and Secretary as backups, to: Track/recognize Club Member progress in Pathways Manage/Approve Members’ Level Completion Pathways went live for our District on Feb. 13, 2018. That changes our educational program. All new members (new to Toastmasters, not transfers from another club) start with Pathways, not the CC / CL manuals. Existing members prior to Feb., 18 13 2018 can continue through the traditional educational programs through June 2020. Encourage Presidents to take the Pathways Base Camp Manager class at TLI, to learn more about the Pathways works. Handouts with screen shots in Pathways are also available. The President and Secretary are backups to the VP of Education for Pathways Base Camp Manager duties.
Role of the President Work closely with VP Education The VPE acts as Presiding Officer when President is absent The President acts as VPE when VPE is absent As Pathways Base Camp Manager, notably to: Approve Level Completion requests Print certificates of Level completion Approve Pending Requests for “External Training” Some Base Camp Manager requests, such as approval of Level Completion requests, are time sensitive, to enable a member to proceed with the next level. Base Camp sends email to VPE (or officer that is set up) of actions that require attention. While members can print the Pathways completion certificates themselves, many clubs choose to award Level Completion Certificates at club meetings to honor the effort of their members. Initial External Training Requests are initiated by a member to complete a designated project outside of the Toastmaster’s home club meeting. An example is a project where the member works with a small group to collaborate and present a speech about the process. 1 Page 1 needs to be removed
Setting the tone for the club President Setting the tone for the club Work with VPE to determine member educational needs Talk with members to determine their goals Define and drive club goals Plan a “Moments of Truth” with VP of Education Ensure all officers are trained 1
During the meeting: Ensure key roles are filled President During the meeting: Ensure key roles are filled Secretary role must be fulfilled Minutes must be taken Sergeant At Arms Sets up the room Tables, Chairs set up Ballots provided to all attendees Agenda distributed to all attendees 2
During the meeting: Ensure necessary roles are filled (Cont’d) President During the meeting: Ensure necessary roles are filled (Cont’d) Sergeant At Arms (Cont’d) Ensures banner is displayed properly Greets guests, introduce them to President Reset / Clean the room after the meeting 6
Start and end the meeting on time Welcome and introduce guests President At the Club Meeting Start and end the meeting on time Welcome and introduce guests Get there early Lead by example Organized meetings & business meeting Recognize member achievements Celebrate everything – Why? 5
At the Club Meeting (continued) President At the Club Meeting (continued) Report club’s progress Explain and Educate about DCP Moments of Truth results/progress Remember Achieving Members result in Successful Clubs Build a family atmosphere – it is when people enjoy and learn that they achieve 6
Outside the Club Meeting President Outside the Club Meeting How can we ensure club officers know their responsibilities and how to fulfill them? Encourage all your officers to attend their roles specific session at TLI. Represent your club at International, District, Division and AREA Events Vote at the Annual Business meetings (if unable to attend, sign a proxy form). 7
Outside the Club Meeting President Outside the Club Meeting Ensure all club offices are filled for the succeeding term, nominating committee Prepare successor for office Oversee the administrative operation of the club Schedule and chair monthly executive committee meetings 8
Executive Committee Meetings President Executive Committee Meetings Why are EC meetings important? This is where your team is made!! Map a blueprint for success (DCP & Club Success plan) Monitor progress of your goals Plan club meetings, contests and programs 9
The Executive Committee President The Executive Committee Every member is responsible for Making the club enjoyable All club business All administrative issues Helping the members achieve and in so doing the club achieves its goals 10
Your Leadership Opportunity President Your Leadership Opportunity Set realistic and attainable goals Plan how to accomplish the goals Delegate tasks as needed Monitor progress toward goals Coach team members when necessary 11
Your Leadership Opportunity President Your Leadership Opportunity What are your goals for this Year 12
Share Challenges Think of (1) challenge you’ve had as a Club President and what did you do to overcome it?
A responsibility and a privilege President A responsibility and a privilege Session Evaluation Link: (Facilitator has Session Number) 13