Honors English I 2/7/14
Agenda Friday, 2/7 Roots practice and review sheet Review polyphemus Odysseus and the flawed hero Epithets lesson and writing Calypso, the sweet Nymph
Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemus How is this portrayal similar to or differ from the way you envisioned the scene? Why? Why do you think the artist chose to portray this scene over more exciting or gruesome ones? How does this painting reflect possible themes of the story? Warm up and Review
Making a wordle for Odysseus Share characteristics of Odysseus from your organizer yesterday.
Final Question: Talk with a partner Why would Homer, the author of the Odyssey, create a hero with so many negative characteristics?
Notes on the flawed hero All heroes in epic tales/poems have classic characteristics that make them great. However, they also possess major character flaws that define them and lead to their downfall. What could be Odysseus’s most critical flaw?
New topic before we read our next story
What is common among these quotes and why? ??? What is common among these quotes and why? “the swift footed Achilles” “Agamemnon, the lord of men” Odysseus, son of Laertes” “The giant killer, Hermes” “Apollo, rouser of armies” “Zeus, father of Gods and men”
Epithet A descriptive phrase, linked to a name, that helps to describe a particular character or thing.
Importance of the Epithet In epic poetry, the epithet often follows the name of the person or thing. Acts as a mnemonic for the bard, who tells the story by heart Frequent repetition has the same effect as rhyme
Characterization Identify individuals Give the audience an opportunity to recognize their favorites
Examples Odysseus, master mariner and soldier Scylla, the monster of the gray rock
Types of Epithets Origin/Home Patronymic (Who’s your daddy?) Appearance/State Skill/Art Position Heroic Quality/General
1. Origins/Home Tells the birthplace or kingdom of the character Example Tells the birthplace or kingdom of the character Odysseus, whose home is on Ithaca
2. Patronymic Gives the lineage of the character Example Gives the lineage of the character Odysseus, son of Laertes
3. Appearance/State Physical description of the character Example Physical description of the character Circe, loveliest of goddesses
4. Skill/Art Refers to a noteworthy attribute Example Refers to a noteworthy attribute Odysseus, master mariner and soldier
5. Position Identifies the character's position in their society Example Identifies the character's position in their society Poseidon, god of the wine-dark sea
6. Heroic Quality/General Example Identifies epic or cultural ideals or innate qualities Odysseus, raider of cities
Create one epithets for each of the following people: Your favorite actor/singer/band your favorite character from a movie your best friend You may NOT: • be hurtful, coarse, indecent, vulgar or gross REMEMBER: KEEP IT SCHOOL APPROPRIATE *You should have 3 epithets when you finish.
The Odyssey: Calypso, the Sweet Nymph Page 652 in the purple book
Grab a purple Text book Open to page 650. Look at the map. Trace the path of Odysseus’ journey. Where does Odysseus meet Calypso on the map? Based on the given image at this spot on the map, what do you think the story will entail?
Today’s Characters Odysseus: Our main character, survivor of the Trojan War and still King of Ithaca; missing since the end of the war. Telemachus: Odysseus’ son who searches for Odysseus Calypso: beautiful nymph goddess who keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years Athena: Zeus’ favorite daughter. Goddess of war, wisdom and peace.
Move to sit with a partner Read 652-654 Expectations While You Read: -Take turns reading -Stop if you get lost or don’t understand -Re-read or ask questions if needed -Stay on task
Part I: The Wanderings In your notes, copy and answer these recall questions with your partner: 1. Who is sent by Zeus to tell Calypso to free Odysseus? 2. In what setting does the messenger find Calypso and Odysseus? 3. How does Odysseus act during the day? 4. Describe the conversation between Calypso and Odysseus.
Let’s Analyze This further… What is the tone of the setting before Calypso releases Odysseus? Find a line (or set of lines) that prove your answer. What line(s) best show Odysseus’ feelings before he is notified of his release? What does she try to do before she officially lets Odysseus go? What do her actions and words say about her? How does he respond to Calypso’s persuading talk? What does his reaction suggest about him?