LCLS Undulator System Detailed Report


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Presentation transcript:

LCLS Undulator System Detailed Report 7/31/2019 LCLS Undulator System Detailed Report DOE Review: Undulator Subcommittee Session 24 October 2006 Test

Focus of this Talk Will Not Focus on the Successes 7/31/2019 Focus of this Talk Will Not Focus on the Successes We have had many and all major ones either have already been reported briefly at the plenary session or will be reported by the various speakers Will Focus on Where We Are We are focused now on making certain we deliver all components on time, within budget and to specification Will Mention Discussion of topics not yet presented to the committee or not being presented by others Well Look at ETC, BOE, and Level 3 Milestones Test

Where We are With Controls Vacuum Chamber Quadrupoles Major Contracts 7/31/2019 Where We are With Controls Interface Definitions Transfer of Information Vacuum Chamber Project management point of view Parallel Efforts Physics Viewpoint Quadrupoles Hysteresis Effects Delivery Schedule Major Contracts Creation Management Beam Loss Monitor Status Test

Controls SLAC now leading nearly all controls efforts 7/31/2019 Controls SLAC now leading nearly all controls efforts Recent estimate to completion exercise and rework of the P3 schedule leaves many opportunities for dropped balls. Need to set up a detailed compilation of all controls items and responsibilities. This needs to be handed to SLAC controls so that they understand what it is that is required of them. Need to sit down with SLAC controls and go through in detail what is in the schedule. Hamid is Very Busy He will assign a SLAC/ANL Controls liaison person much like we have for all the mechanical items. This person will work directly with the ANL LCLS controls technical lead to ensure than the controls interfaces and exchange of information proceeds seamlessly. Test

Project Management Point of View 7/31/2019 Vacuum Chamber Project Management Point of View The prototype delivery date continues to slip. At this point if the prototype has a real problem then we have little or no time to correct for it. Right now the vacuum chamber is roughly 20 days off from driving the undulator system assembly. It is further away from driving the project critical path, but not enough to feel comfortable Test

Vacuum Chamber Parallel Efforts 7/31/2019 Vacuum Chamber Parallel Efforts Pursue the primary vacuum chamber plan with vigor Also pursue a backup. This effort is being lead by SLAC with input from ANL The goal is to have a backup chamber plan in the event that the primary chamber runs into problems. Every effort is being made to ensure that the pursuit of this backup plan does not in any way impede progress towards the primary chamber effort. Test

Vacuum Chamber Physics Viewpoint Difficult requirements Effect on beam 7/31/2019 Vacuum Chamber Physics Viewpoint Difficult requirements Some even difficult to define clearly Effect on beam May be difficult of impossible to ever determine Non-unity Permeability of SS Will impact field but more or less uniformly As long as the random variation of K/K between undulators is kept below 1.5e-4 then the requirement is met A slight increase in the overall field should not matter. Choice of Steel (low permeability under all conditions) 316LN difficult to obtain locally. Some availability in Europe. 20Cb-3 Available locally and with short lead time. Test

Capenter Steel 20Cb-3 Specifications 7/31/2019 Capenter Steel 20Cb-3 Specifications Found Online We Find Electrical Properties Electrical Resistivity 0.0001082 ohm-cm Magnetic Permeability 1.002 Magnetic Permeability 1.01 The important thing is that it is nearly constant up to 2 T Test

Quadrupoles Hysteresis Effect 7/31/2019 Quadrupoles Hysteresis Effect Corrector coils act in “common” while quadrupole coils act differentially across poles Places poles on different hysteresis paths Need to use soft magnetic steel Low remenance and low coecivity Working with vendor and asking for expert advice on this Test

‘QG’ Gun-to-Linac Quadrupole Magnets 7/31/2019 ‘QG’ Gun-to-Linac Quadrupole Magnets -6 Amps +6 Amps -6 Amps +6 Amps From P. Emma r  20 mm Leff  7.6 cm Test

Quadrupoles Delivery Schedule Quadrupoles are near the critical path 7/31/2019 Quadrupoles Delivery Schedule Quadrupoles are near the critical path They are certainly what holds up the assembly Working directly with the vendor to refine their production schedule Examples Buy all materials up front. Don’t wait until after the 1st article has been accepted. Use methods of construction that the vendor has experience with. Test

Major Contracts Still to be placed To be placed by Managing 7/31/2019 Major Contracts Still to be placed Some vacuum system processes Vacuum Support Structure Support Mover system Expect the vendor to deliver simple “kits” RF BPMs Bodies and receivers Beam Finder Wire To be placed by Most by the beginning of the year Vacuum by February Managing Will tap into the experience gain from the management of the undulators to manage all further contract to completion Test

Beam Loss Monitor Schedule Multitier Approach 7/31/2019 Beam Loss Monitor Schedule Late start up, but still significantly off the critical path No items in vacuum or in need of precision alignment during assembly Multitier Approach Follow DESY Example Don’t reinvent the wheel Test

Beam Loss Monitor Multiple Detectors 7/31/2019 Beam Loss Monitor Multiple Detectors Scintillators/Cerenkov Detectors coupled to PMTs For low loss conditions Needs calibration Can achieve a broad detection dynamic range if allowed to vary the HV Cerenkov Detectors Thin optical fibers arranged around the vacuum chamber Not sensitive to extremely low losses Not simple to calibrate absolutely Fiber optic Long FO which browns as a function of dose at a known rate Used for long term dose measurements Test

Short Break: BLM (Hi Sensitivity) Location 7/31/2019 Short Break: BLM (Hi Sensitivity) Location BFW Ø10mm x 25mm long BFW Ø18mm x 19mm long Bellows Ø10mm x 76mm long BLM 5mm x 12.5mm x 25mm long RFBPM Ø10mm x 75mm long Beam Guide Vacuum Chamber 5mm x 12.5mm x 3467mm long Quad Spool Ø8mm x 158mm long Test

TEC Estimate to Complete 7/31/2019 Cost to Go at WBS Level 3 1.04 Undulator System $M, Burdened, Escalated TEC Estimate to Complete Contingency % Contingency Total Estimated Cost (TEC) 19.60 18.8% 3.68 1.04.01 Undulator System Management & Integration 1.97 0.4% 0.01 1.04.03 Undulator Magnet & Support 12.35 19.9% 2.46 1.04.04 Vacuum System 2.29 19.7% 0.45 1.04.05 Diagnostics 2.04 21.8% 0.44 1.04.06 Undulator System Installation and Alignment 0.96 33.4% 0.32 Test

7/31/2019 Basis of Estimate Test

7/31/2019 Level 3 Milestones Test

We have accomplish a lot over the last 6 months 7/31/2019 Summary We have accomplish a lot over the last 6 months But there is still a lot to finish We understand out tight areas such as the vacuum chamber and are placing a full attention on these item. Test