Utah’s Finance System Planning 2007 National OSEP Early Childhood Conference December 3, 2007
Utah’s EI Programs, By County 29 counties Contracts with 15 provider agencies Yearly grants based on non Medicaid child count
Fiscal Resources
Utah’s Recent Experience in Financial Planning Attended Finance Data Workshop 2 members of state staff 2 members of the ICC Finance Committee ICC members also coordinators of provider agencies
Team Planning at Workshop Developed an Action Plan with 5 Priorities Support State Funding Request Maximize Medicaid Revenue Investigate Insurance Billing Conduct an EI Cost Study Investigate EI Foundation
RESULTS: State Funding Request New players, i.e., Governor, Health Dept. Director, Fiscal Analysts at Gov. Office and Legislature Providers and parents met with all Took Legislative Analyst on field visit Letter writing campaign Testimony during Legislative Session Baby Watch received full request of $2,317,900! 35% increase in state allocation
RESULTS: Maximize Medicaid Revenue Conducted Medicaid Survey Found inconsistent Medicaid billing practices Found differing provider resources for billing Developing Data system capacity for eligibility status Interagency agreement to exchange data with Medicaid agency Interagency project to develop more specific policies Will result in capturing at least $100,000 in revenue
RESULTS: Investigate Insurance Billing Gathered information from other states Collected Utah data on estimated number of children with insurance Met with State Insurance Division Analyzed profitability and political climate Determined not financially beneficial at this time
RESULTS: Conduct EI Cost Study Reviewed other states’ cost studies Analyzed our own needs Determined we should first look at Medicaid collections and billing practices
RESULTS: Investigate EI Foundation Legislator proposed “tax on beer” Not pursued to end of legislative session May reintroduce? Other grant possibilities Researching mechanism within Lead Agency Evaluating capacity to seek grants and donations
Lessons Learned Having a plan is essential Vehicle for assignments Keeps you on track Maintains mechanism for accountability Strike where iron is hottest Events may not happen in logical planning order Consider timing
Lessons Learned Involve stakeholders Data system is critical Follow unanticipated paths Plan may lead to unanticipated paths, i.e. Population estimates by EI provider agency Trade action for “moaning”