Kierunek „Elektronika”, rok II Electroacoustics Kierunek „Elektronika”, rok II
General informations Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Dobrucki Consultations: building C-5, room 608, Time: Tuesday 9.00 – 11.00 Wednesday 9.00 – 11.00
Bibliography [1] Jens Blauert, Ning Xiang: Acoustics for Engineers. Troy Lectures, Second Edition, Springer. [2] F. Alton Everest, Mastr Handbook of Acoustics, Fourth EditionMc Graw-Hill. [3] Thomas Rossing (Ed.): Springer Hanbook of Acoustics, Springer
Issues Mechanical vibration of systems of one and multi degrees of freedom Propagation of acoustic and ultrasonic waves Quantities characterizing acoustic field in an open space Quantities characterizing acoustic field in rooms Basic acoustical systems. Electrical, mechanical and acoustic analogies