School’s Measureable Objective(s) SMART goals Robert Oye LD South Title I Coordinator 2015-2016
School’s Measureable Objectives
School’s Measureable Objective(s) Focused on identified student learning needs 2. The School’s Measureable Objective(s) must be : Specific: Precise needs of students for whom the goal is aimed (ex. Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students) Measureable: The tool or instrument that will be used to measure (SBAC, DIBELS) Attainable: Actions that can be controlled and possible to reach (ex. 6% increase) Result-Based: Improve in a certain area (ex. ELA, Math, Graduation) Time-Bound: Time Required to accomplish the goal (ex. June 2016) SMART
Read 100% Graduation Goal Identify the following: S M A R T
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