The metric system Notes International System of Units The metric system Notes
Mass Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Base unit for measuring: grams (g) Tools used to measure mass include equal-arm balances, triple beam balances, digital scale.
Length The measurement of something from end to end Base unit used for measuring: meters (m) Tools used to measure length include rulers, meter sticks, etc.
Volume Amount of space an object takes up Base unit used for measuring: liters (L) Tools used to measure volume include graduated cylinders, beakers, etc.
Temperature The degree or intensity of heat present in an object Is measured in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, and Kelvin (official SI unit) 0°C = Freezing point of water 100°C = Boiling point of water 37°C = Body Temperature (98.6°F) Tools used to measure temperature include thermometers, probes, etc.
Metric Prefixes Can be used with any base unit except degrees (temperature) Most commonly used: Kilo-: for measuring large quantities (kilogram-mass, kilometer-length) Centi-: for measuring small lengths (centimeter-lengtgh) Milli-: for measuring tiny quantities (milligram-mass, millimeter-length, milliliter-volume)