Social Media Annual Meeting 2013 – Policy Panel Paul Seldes, CEM, FPEM ntb #FEPA2013
FEPA 2013 Social Media Panel This session is NOT about telling you about social media We will not yet again tell you what Facebook is or how to Tweet It is about how your peers have succeeded or failed, lessons learned and best practices.
Intro Panel Members Name Agency/Jurisdiction Position SM handles (Twitter, Facebook, others)
Panel Topic What SM platforms is your jurisdiction actively using? What did you want to accomplish with SM?
Trends in SMEM Barack Obama's victory Facebook post was the most liked photo on Facebook with over 4 million likes. (source: The Huffington Post) 25 percent of users on Facebook don't bother with any kind of privacy control. (source: AllTwitter) An average Facebook users has 130 friends. (source: AllTwitter)
Panel Topic What is the single best example of a Social Media "win" in your jurisdiction?
Trends in SMEM Monthly active Facebook users now total nearly 850 million. (source: Jeff Bullas) There were 175 million tweets sent from Twitter every day in (source: Infographics Labs) The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times. (source: Diego Basch's Blog) Since the dawn of Twitter, there's been a total of 163 billion tweets. (source: Diego Basch's Blog)
Panel Topic What was the single biggest hurdle you faced with implementing SM?
Trends in SMEM 56 percent of customer tweets to companies are being ignored. (sources: AllTwitter) There are 575 likes and 81 comments by Instagram users every second. (source: Digital Buzz Blog) Users uploaded more than 800,000 photos of Hurricane Sandy using the hashtag #Sandy. (source: Information Week) 97 percent of the fans of Pinterest's Facebook page are women. (source: AllTwitter)
Panel Topic Who has the day to day permission and capability to update your SM? Why? Do you use Social Media for intelligence gathering? If so, how and who is responsible for SM intel?
Trends in SMEM Over 80 percent of Pinterest's pins are repins. (source: AllTwitter) 80 percent of Pinterest users are women, while 50 percent of all Pinterest users have children. (source: Search Engine Journal) American users of Pinterest spend an average of 1 hour and 17 minutes on the site. (source: Search Engine Journal)
Panel Topic Is Social Media part of your operational battle rhythm? What is different?
Trends in SMEM The Google +1 button is used 5 billion times per day. (source: AllTwitter) 48 percent of fortune global 100 companies are now on Google+. (source: Burson- Marsteller) Only 8 percent of Americans 12+ have a Google+ profile page. (source: Edison Research)
Panel Topic What is the next step for your SM strategy?