August 2016 Mrs. Burchette
Homework and Important Dates: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Sit at your computer number and login. If you can’t remember what it is, come and ask me!!! Homework and Important Dates: Read 20 minutes nightly! USA TestPrep AH/R #2– due Tuesday, September 6th (by midnight) Warm-Up: Log in and go to the class blog using Google Chrome. Bring your agenda down front. Update your agenda.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Learning Target: I can find the main idea in a given passage. Today’s Agenda: USA TestPrep
AH/R #2– Reading/Main Idea Practice Wednesday, August 31, 2016 USA TestPrep AH/R #2– Reading/Main Idea Practice Complete the assignment that has been pushed out to you. This is due by midnight on Tuesday, September 6th. You have unlimited attempts to increase your score. Take advantage of the review features to help increase your score. The grade you receive on the assignment will be the grade entered in Synergy, so be sure you are utilizing all opportunities to get the score you want! When you are finished, you may try the assignment again, read silently, complete an other ELA based activity on USA TestPrep, or you may work on your ELA Membean requirements (no more than 15 minutes per day!)