4th Chaotic Dragoons Tank Battalion Unit Type Weapons FCS Stab Speed Size Armour NF SD/SG Remarks Rd Xty F S H R Leopard 2A6 (Veh1) 120mmS(HP) APFSDS(DU) HEAT cMG pMG VFC S3 54 40 A C 36c5 7c4 4c2 TI SD4 +3 to hit if firing HEAT Leopard AVLB bMG 45 31 B 8 4 2 SD
Direct Fire To Hit/Penetration/ Direct Area Fire Weapon Direct Fire To Hit/Penetration/ Direct Area Fire Range to target in cm 5 15 25 37 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 120mmS(HP) VFC HEAT 24 2/45/10 2/43/10 3/41/10 4/40/10 7/38/10 9/37/10 11/35/10 13/32/10 16/28/10 pMG/bMG -/-/4 -/-/5 -/-/2 -/-/1 -/-/ -/-/- cmg -/-/3 Direct Fire Modifiers (cumulative) Firer +3 turret mounted weapon without power traverse, target out of arc. +2 using TI through smoke or fire zone +2 Using II/ IR at night +2 suppressed +2 target moved into sight +2 target moved out of sight +3 firing at night w/out NF aids +2 per 5cm of actual movement (round up) -2 per level of stabilization 2nd and subsequent rounds -2 VFC equipped -1 AFC equipped -2 same target (not ATGW) Target Size -1 A class +2 C Class +3 D class +4 E Class +5 F Class Auto Cannons/ HMG -1 twin barrel or chain gun -2 triple barrel or Gatling gun -3 Quad barrel +2 Pintle, cupola or ball mounted weapon. FCS modifiers to direct fire Target Movement in Cm Guns Auto Cannon 5 15 25 35 50 50+ Other AT 1 1 2 3 6 7 LFC IFC 4 AFC VFC - ATGW