Measuring what we value Castle School Measuring what we value
Curriculum Staff Child Assessment
Slides from end of term
Curriculum Three learning pathways Pre-formal Semi formal Formal
Class groupings reflect: Age Learning style Pathway Door signs outline the curriculum access for each class
For each class: Menu of opportunity – interventions and academic Timetable built according to pupil need - Individualised for most complex learners Colour-coded for semi formal learners based on 4 areas in EHCP Subject-based for formal learners Booklets demonstrate what we do
Assessment Celebrates Meaningful Tells a story Reflective of the needs of the child Identifies next steps Not “one size meets all “ Progress measured against themselves
Behaviour support plans Pupil Targets Behaviour support plans
Behaviour for learning Engagement profile Tick charts Individual pupils managing own tick charts Detailed analysis for identified students
Academic progress and personal development Pupil targets reflect the pathway
Personal development Individual targets – Young Person Outcomes Swimming Social skills Life skills Preparation for adulthood Residential experiences
Interventions Specialist Class-based Those linked to communication
Staff Innovation Experimentation Professional dialogue and judgement Termly progress meetings Expectation with Performance Review (Talent Management) process Reflective practitioners High expectations of teaching and learning Close monitoring High quality focused training, development and support
How do we pull this together Evidence for Learning We are on a journey We have a map – we are very excited Taking small steps to ensure practice is embedded This will revolutionise our work
Next steps Further implement the use of Evidence for Learning Strengthen EHCP Increase the importance of progress meetings More frequent robust moderation Develop ways of creating case studies