Lecture 1 Class Overview 박능수
Course Review In this course, For other classes, Understand the computer organization and operations RISC pipelined computer architecture Memory Hierarchy Understand the relationship between HW and SW Understand performance analysis For other classes, Helpful to understand the operation of embedded systems Helpful to understand the interaction with OS, compilers, and other system software Helpful to tune the program performance
Course Roadmap Review Instructions: Language of the Computer Arithmetic for Computers Understanding Performance The Processor: Datapath and Control Enhancing Performance with Pipeline Memory Hierarchy Storage & Networks
Textbook Recommended textbook Reference book Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface, 5th Edition David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy Morgan Kaufmann Reference book Any other related books
Grading Grading Policy Homework should be collected before the due. Midterm: 30%, Final: 40% Homework: 20% Attendance: 10% One absence: -1 point Homework should be collected before the due. Should not be accepted after the due Dishonesty homework Original and copy ones are graded as 0. Your grade will be F, If you don’t take midterm or final exam. If your attendance point is zero. There is no exception: All is your responsibility.
If you need to talk me We can talk about anything except the grade Come to my office on the office hour or after making an appointment via email: Office hour: Tue. 16:00~16:30, Thur. 16:00~16:30 Email: neungsoo@konkuk.ac.kr [컴퓨터구조1] should be included in the subject of your email.
Class WEB Site The class web site is available: http://hpe.konkuk.ac.kr/pdec/class.php All notes and class materials will be distributed on this site.