Chapter 3 Setting the Stage for Community Health Nursing
Core Public Health Functions Assessment Regular collection, analysis, and sharing of information about health conditions, risks, and resources in a community Policy Development Use of assessment data to develop policy and direct resources toward those policies Assurance Availability of necessary services throughout the community
Question Is the following statement true or false? The assessment function of public health involves informing clients and communities.
Answer False The assessment function involves gathering and analyzing information that will affect the health of the people to be served. Informing, educating, and empowering clients are activities associated with the function of policy development.
Roles in Community Health Nursing Clinician Care provider Focus on holism, health promotion, & prevention while using expanded skills Educator Health teacher Plan for community-wide impact Advocate Pleader of client’s cause or actor on behalf of client Support client self-determination and responsive systems
Roles in Community Health Nursing (cont.) Manager Administrative direction of goals: plan, organize, lead, control, evaluate Participative approach with community Collaborator Joint working with others Multidisciplinary collegiality and leadership
Question Is the following statement true or false? A nurse acting as an advocate would help clients to navigate the health care system.
Answer True As an advocate the nurse pleads clients’ causes or acts on their behalf. One example of advocacy would be guiding clients through the complexities of the health care system.
Roles in Community Health Nursing (cont.) Leadership role (action as a change agent) Researcher Systematic investigation, collection, and analysis of data for solving problems Evidence-based findings to community settings
Settings for CHN Practice Homes Ambulatory service Schools Occupational health Residential institutions Faith communities Community at large (domestic and international)
Nature of CHN & Common Threads Basic to Practice Many nursing roles with variety of clients in specific situations Special skill sets Assessment Policy development Assurance Collaboration with other institutions Schools & parishes Occupational health
Principles of Sound Community Nursing Practice Standards of practice Standards of care Management essential to all nursing roles Community nursing process: assessment, planning, implementation, & evaluation Case management Essential behaviors Making decisions, transferring information, building relationships
Question Is the following statement true or false? A halfway house is an example of the home as a setting for community health nursing.
Answer False A halfway house would be considered a residential institution setting.
Internet Resources A Day in the Life of Public Health .htm About Public Health Nursing ections/phn/about/ Core Functions and Ten Essential Services of Public Health