Language Arts - The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer Chapters 14-15 4/23/18
Agenda, 4/23 Learning Target: Membean quiz Analyzing character charts Add details to character charts in journals Read & Add details to character charts Exit Ticket Turn-in your re-written paragraph Learning Target: Membean quiz Analyzing character charts Journal check Thursday (major grade) – have character charts filled out
Exit Ticket, 4/12 (Write on Notebook paper to turn in at the end of class – Periods 4 & 7 only) Choose Maria, Celia, Tam Lin, or El Patron. Write a short paragraph explaining two major choices that character has made and the consequences those choices have had on Matt. You will need to include specific examples from the novel and our journal character charts. You also must include at least one quote from the text to support your writing. ***Students that earned a 79 or below may correct their writing for a higher grade for homework. Papers were passed back today.
Acrostic Poem (Per. 7 Only) Choose a character we have discussing in class from our novel study. Write an acrostic poem describing this character. Made from El Patron’s DNA A T
Ticket Out the Door (On notebook paper – Turn-in when bell rings) Flat characters are uncomplicated and do not change throughout the novel. Round characters are complex, undergo development and change throughout the story Choose one character from The House of the Scorpion and identify whether the character is flat or round. Then, provide two examples from the story to explain why you think the character is flat or round. Write one paragraph (5 to 7 sentences).