London Improvement & transformation programme. Leading people Mary Sexton Senior Lead, London Improvement & transformation programme.
National Drivers
NHS Five Year Forward View Health and Wellbeing: without a greater focus on prevention, health inequalities will widen and our capacity to pay for new treatments will be compromised by the need to spend billions of pounds on avoidable illness. Care and Quality: Health needs will go unmet unless we reshape care, harness technology and address variations in quality and safety Funding and Efficiency: Without efficiencies, a shortage of resources will hinder care services and progress
Leading Change, Adding Value
Leading Change Adding Value National Nursing Framework Professor Jane Cummings said: “The role that nursing, midwifery and care staff play should not be underestimated – we are on hospital wards caring for people, out in the community, care homes, academia, sitting on Boards, developing policy, and in the private sector. “The framework – which can be used across all the sectors, whatever the setting – will support staff to demonstrate how they can use their expertise to drive change. “The leadership potential in our workforce to manage the challenges of today and shape the future is boundless. From addressing differences in the incidence of pressure ulcers, to changing pathways of care and support in diagnosing diabetes – nursing, midwifery and care staff are ideally placed to be leading that change and demonstrating their value.”
Commitments We will promote a culture where improving the population’s health is a core component of the practice of all nursing, midwifery and care staff We will increase the visibility of nursing and midwifery leadership and input in prevention We will work with individuals, families and communities to equip them to make informed choices and manage their own health We will be centred on individuals experiencing high value care We will work in partnership with individuals, their families, carers and others important to them
Commitments We will actively respond to what matters most to our staff and colleagues We will lead and drive research to evidence the impact of what we do We will have the right education, training and development to enhance our skills, knowledge and understanding. We will have the right staff in the right places and at the right time We will champion the use of technology and informatics to improve practice, address unwarranted variations and enhance outcomes
Leadership – what is it? A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating others to act towards achieving a common goal… Leaders create an inspiring vision, motivates and inspires people to engage with their vision and builds a team….
Authentic leadership Compassionate leadership Authentic leadership – building the leaders legitimacy through honest relationships with followers which value their input and built on ethical Foundations Compassionate leadership – inspires action and respect understand their people “you feel what they feel” you have their best interests at heart.
The I’s of Leadership Insight Initiative Influence Impact Integrity INSIGHT =Vision they understand the times and know what they should do . Wisdom and discernment able to deal with complex situations, gain nad give clarity and determine a course of action. INITIATIVE =they don’t sit on the sidelines, they don’t ask anyone to do anything they wouldn’t do themselves. Lead by example INFLUENCE = Influenza real leaders are contagious, people are drawn to their vision and values they are able to move people to act . Human wave create ripples its not about titles its about how one life influences another IMPACT = instrumental in creating real and lasting change change Hearts and Minds (martin luther king) creat social movement. INTEGRITY = Determines the quality of a persons Imapct this is the foundation of authentic leadership!
Leadership - its not about going on courses its about moral commitment, common sense and hard graft.
Systems leadership Systems Leadership Relationships & Connectivity Learning & Capability Building Innovation & Improvement Individual Effectiveness
Technology brings capabilities but people are the most important element in any system. If we are going to accomplish great things, attitudes and mindsets are the real levers of change.
Way Forward….. Leadership is systemic – it is not the responsibility of any one individual but of every individual. Leaders cannot operate effectively to improve and safeguard quality if different parts of the system work in isolation. They must work together to safeguard quality in the best interests of patients. Leaders across all organisational teams must bring the information they have, and their tools and levers for intervention to work together to maintain the essential levels of quality and safety. Leaders must operate within a culture of open and honest cooperation, with the interests of patients at heart, and in line with the values of the NHS Constitution
What to know more?
Leaders instil confidence, courage and they communicate the kind of dedication that earns trust.
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