Geospatial Cloud Computing Agency Panel, ESIP Doug Nebert USGS Federal Geographic Data Committee
2 Agency view 1) What is your agency's view in regard to Cloud Computing? 2) What is your agency's near term plan for Cloud? 3) What is your agency's position with regard to public, private, and hybrid Cloud? 4) Is your agency working with any public cloud provider(s)? Any feedback on the quality of their service? 5) What is your Big Data problem? Can cloud be the solution? 6) What are the fundamental, designing, implementation, application, and policy/social issues for cloud computing? 7) What are our best practices and lessons learned? 8) What are the long term strategies?
3 Agency view of Cloud FGDC is coordinating the GeoCloud Sandbox as incubator for agency geospatial Web services Platforms Commercial and private Cloud solutions are appropriate and economical for geospatial services and applications Hybrid solutions already in effect at USGS (Streamstats, National Map)
4 Near-term Plan The Geospatial Platform will be hosted for the near-term in AWS with back-end links to Esri AGOL SaaS for map composition and rendering FGDC will continue to support GeoCloud as incubator and offer fee-for-service hosting for national geospatial data assets in secure Cloud infrastructure
5 Public Cloud Collaboration FGDC is contracting for services with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Geospatial Platform website hosting and for hosting of select agency assets Will exploit the pending DOI IT/Cloud services contract vehicle, when available for future Cloud servics
6 BigData The FGDC Secretariat holds no data, but FGDC Committee Members do – data must be provided by high-availability services 3+ million Landsat images The National Map vector and raster sources National Wetlands Inventory Census TIGER (TIGER-File, TIGERWeb) Public and private Web solutions in-force
7 Fundamental Issues Culture change With few exceptions, the agency CIO approval of Cloud IaaS has been difficult as the mentality is to secure systems not clones of solution architectures Factoring and reconsidering bandwidth, firewall, VPN, and data management policies with an external Cloud offering
8 Best Practices The GeoCloud effort has posted a number of project reports for 2011 that will help agencies understand the costs and benefits of Cloud to geospatial applications Planning a white paper to help accelerate Cloud deployment for federal agencies
9 Long-Term Strategies Majority of agency geospatial services will be hosted on security-certified Cloud platform Geoprocessing functions (models and transformations) will be performed in the Cloud to support more than just visual analysis of geospatial data