FAST Administration Part 2: Security Administration and understanding exactly who can see what!
Much ado about Access Managing and Creating Roles and Groups User/Role Assignment Role Transfer Auto-Loading Roles The new baseline roles in FAST Menu Access: see how much we’ve improved and streamlined!
Back to Basics (with a twist) Define Roles : We’ve added some cool new features here including new Baseline Roles to enhance your sharing options for Pinned Reports, Dashboards, Virtual Columns and more and a “Users with Role” hyperlinked column Menu Access : Menu Access used to be the most tedious part of FAST Admin… it has been improved drastically with the new “Cascade” and Collapse options! Let’s take a closer look!
Ways to provide access to FAST end users User / Role Assignment (manual or upload from Excel) Role Transfer Copy Role Access from one user to another Transfer Users from one role to another Auto-Loading Roles – automate the process to load end users into a role based on a set of rules
Implications and use of new Baseline Roles Historically, non- “admins” could not create and share Group Pinned Reports or Group Dashboards. The result was either: Admins had the added burden of creating all of this shared content Institutions were forced to give the Admin role to too many people So what have we done about it? Whereas most Roles define who can SEE what, we have new Roles that add functionality to the end users or power users.
The new Roles to be aware of Create/Update Group Pinned Reports: This Role, when combined with any other GROUPS, allows the users to create, update, and share Group Pinned Reports for the intersection of Groups that they belong to Dashboard Administrator: This Role, when combined with any other GROUPS, allows the users to create, update, and share Group Pinned Reports for the intersection of Groups that they belong to
Budget Holders Group (22) Create/Update Group Pinned Reports Role (10) Dean’s Group (12) Student Advisors (5) Finance Department (8) Notice where the Groups intersect and where they do not 6 6 1 4
And don’t forget about your Access reporting and audit logs! Need to answer some quick questions about access in FAST like “who sees what”, or “what who sees” or “why can’t I see that”? Define Roles just shows you the buckets where you can add people Menu Access is a working form, not a reporting page User/Role Assignment does not link back to Menu Access The solution? Menu Access by Role and Menu Access by User