by Yi Zhao CMPE640 ITRS presentation Fall 2005 Interconnects by Yi Zhao CMPE640 ITRS presentation Fall 2005
Table Of Content Update of Changes Difficulties and Challenges Examples Questions
2004 Update Highlights Minor changes since 2003 Changes Clarification on what is meant by metal1 New metrics’ Resistivity of copper Mean free path of charge carriers Portion of electron secularly reflected from the wall
2004 Update Highlights (cont.) Minor DRAM changes (via and contact resistivity). This issue is a RED priority. Interconnect roadmap is seen as “red bricks” issue by the end of this decade.
Difficulty/Challenges (>45nm) through 2009 Material to meet conductivity and dielectric permittivity requirements* Manufacturability challenges* Reliability challenges 3D control issues Manufacturability and defect management
Difficulty/Challenges (<45nm) beyond 2009 Mitigate effects of size when it comes to interconnect structures 3D control issues Patterning, cleaning, filling issures Integration of new processes, interconnects for emerging devices Solutions which address global wiring scaling issues*
Example Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Tech node hp90 hp65 DRAM ½ pitch (nm) 100 90 80 70 65 57 50