Anti-microbial resistance David Wilson Director International Trade OIE Workshop on OIE international standards Beijing 2005
Terrestrial Code Guidelines for harmonisation of AMR surveillance and monitoring programmes Guidelines for the monitoring of the quantities of antimicrobials used in animal husbandry Guidelines for the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobial agents in veterinary medicine Guidelines for conducting a risk assessment for AMR arising from the use of antimicrobials (AMs) in animals
Surveillance and monitoring surveillance / monitoring of AMR necessary to follow trends in AMR in bacteria detect the emergence of new AMR mechanisms provide data necessary for risk analyses for animal and public health provide basis for policy recommendations for animal and public health provide information for prescribing practices and prudent use recommendations
AMs used in animals guidelines for collecting quantitative information to evaluate usage patterns by animal species, AM class, potency and type of use essential for risk analyses and planning, in interpreting AM surveillance data and in responding to problems information may help in evaluating effectiveness of efforts re prudent use indicating trends in use of animal AMs role of these trends in the development of AMR in animals
Objectives of prudent use maintain efficacy of AMs via rational use in animals prevent or minimise transfer of micro-organisms (and resistance determinants) within animal populations, and from animals to humans maintain efficacy and prolong usefulness of AMs in food-producing animals and in human medicine prevent contamination of animal-derived food with AM residues that exceed the MRL
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