Cobb County Schools is requiring every parent volunteer to watch a brief video on FERPA and to sign off that they understand and will uphold the responsibilities outlined in FERPA.
Welcome Parents! Please complete the papers at your child’s desk.
The ABC’s of our class & first grade 2017-2018 Welcome to First Grade! The ABC’s of our class & first grade 2017-2018
A The correct format is at your desk. Absences – Notes are a must! The correct format is at your desk. Official doc note for a.m. tardies. Mt. Bethel Bugle has updated policy. No emailed excuses please.
Blog – Birthdays B Treats Individual/pre-cut only. Must be all the same, all chocolate, all vanilla etc. Blog –
B (continued) Book Orders- Monthly through Scholastic ONLINE ONLY Three levels of order forms Online ordering will be set up and a class code will be sent home. Class Code :GJXGG
CogAT testing: C September, 5, 6, 7 Listening, focus, and attention are critical. Nationally normed: Will tell you how your child performed compared to children in same age group across country. Percentiles- 50th is average These scores are used to begin further testing.
Deliveries Dress Code D Tennis shoes are to be worn on all PE days. ESSENTIAL ITEMS ONLY: lunch, meds, birthday treats by 10 a.m. Dress Code Tennis shoes are to be worn on all PE days. Shorts under dresses
DISMISSAL No emailed changes can be made. Discuss child’s plan each morning 1:45 Rule Phones off from 1:45-2:25
Email E Best way to reach me! My email address is:
Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive! Your donation impacts every student every day!
G “GOLDEN TICKETS” Behavior system focused on the positive! Already started! Your child chooses job based on tickets
G Grading (report cards given at OCTOBER conference) Academics: 3+, 3, 2, 1 Behavior: S, P, N Q1: October conference
H Homework- NIGHTLY Reading is CRITICAL and is the EXPECTATION. (reading tote bag and OG Binders) Additional home practices will show up periodically in your child’s Take-Home Folder- look for the stamp! Communicate problems to me immediately. Unfinished work will be sent home on Friday Correct any errors with your child and return. .
Lunch – 11:14-11:44. Lunch Visitors L NO FAST FOOD lunches. Greet and Depart location at exit door as we have to transition back to our classroom. Thank you!
M MATH WORKSHOP Media Center, now known as Learning Commons Our check out time:__Friday at 11:20-11:50 Mystery Reader: Room Mom Fridays from 8:00-8:30 Any books! Favorites from home, themed, etc. Medication Procedures
N NOTES- Please check your child’s folder each NIGHT for any NOTES or paperwork.
Orton-Gillingham: A Methodology for Teaching Reading & Spelling to ALL Students! Whole class & small group lessons Differentiation in reading and spelling based on student ability No “spelling tests.” As we teach a phonics rule or pattern, students will read & spell words with that rule or pattern. Assessment through dictation and application of phonics rule/pattern. (ex. –ck rule) These words do not need to be memorized. Trick words: words that do not follow a rule or pattern. MUST BE MEMORIZED for reading and spelling. 3 Trick words will be introduced at a time and will be memorized for spelling and reading. (ex: said) Your donations at work.
Parent/Teacher Conferences OCTOBER 16-20th! Preference form!!
Check- does your child have one?! Q Quick Word Books! Check- does your child have one?!
R Reader’s Workshop Reading Groups/Conferences Essential rituals and routines Leveled library Book boxes Reading logs/comprehension notebooks Independence is key! Reading Groups/Conferences Groups are formed with children of similar needs/strengths Instructional level books given HOMEWORK: reading bag!!!!!
S Scarecrow Day- OCTOBER 31 Science Fair Specials October Non-judged 12:20-1:05 Calendar sent home Problems? Email specials teacher & CC me please.
S (continued) Sight Words for first graders! SPELLING WORDS 200 words Strategies for mastery SeeSaw please create account! SPELLING WORDS After Conferences No set words, practice rules Tests every Friday
T Thursday Communication Folders Please see the example in your Open House Packet. Please review the notes each week WITH YOUR CHILD and return it to school the next day with your initials.
W Writer’s Workshop Work Habits Lucy Calkins writing program TOOLS FOR INDEPENDENCE! A huge part of first grade is developing positive work habits. We work really hard on this from putting our name on all of our papers, to keeping our room neat, to keeping up with our materials. It is an on going process, but we set the stage in first grade.
XYZ Your Support is key!!! Contact me ANY TIME about ANY concern or question!!!