End of Semester Group Project AFRICA
AFRICA CASE STUDY A case study is a research method common in social science. It is based on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, or event.
Group Topics You will be divided into TEN pre-selected groups. Groups categories are based on the history of Africa: Political: History from 1800s to now People: Income, education, occupations, family size, languages Geography: North, South, East, West, Rivers Mtns, etc. Disease/ Health Care Drugs Economics
Research On a sheet of paper each of you will write down: Who: Who was involved? What: What happened? When: Time frame Where: Location of the event or events? Why: What was the background leading up to the event? How: How was it able to happen? Result: What was the result?
Nightly News After researching your topics in the lab each group will need to develop a script including the information gathered. Each group will form a nightly news panel in front of the class and present their findings in a dialogue format (It needs to flow) Groups also need to have at least 5 visuals on PowerPoint slides or poster. (pictures, maps, graphs, charts, etc.)
Nightly News Cont. I would like you to be creative and informative and the same time while embracing your role as a news anchor. PowerPoint Slides or Poster with Visuals will be due on 6/8 6/9 at Tutorial. Nightly New Panel Presentations will be on: 6/10 6/11 after guest speaker.
50 Total Possible points 1-2 Below Average 3 Average 4 Admirable 5 Outstanding Script News Panel Pictures/ Visuals Creativity Overall group work
Political: Group # 1: Tyler, Ashley, Morgan, Alexa Group # 2: Jessica, Kourtney, Dakota People: Group # 3: Vincent, Elias, Jaclyn, Kelly Group # 4 : Grant, Kelsey, Samantha Geography: Group # 5: Jaylen, Lauren, Brooke, Andrew Group # 6: Daniel, Ashley R, Zach Disease/Health Care: Group # 7: Garrett, Kia, Tanner, Nick Economics: Group #8 Trevor S, Kimkhan, Kevin Group # 9 Billy, Sean, Kimberly, Melissa Drugs: Group # 10: Trevor W, Penny, Nicole, Katie
Per. 6 Political: People: Geography: Disease/ Healthcare: Economics: Group # 1: Felicia, Blake, Cassie Group # 2: James, Nathan, Kameron People: Group # 3: Greg, Dylan, Jeff Group # 4 : Chelsea, Michael, Samantha Geography: Group # 5: Shawn, Hayden, Joe Group # 6: Megan, Nick, Vicky Disease/ Healthcare: Group # 7: Mark, Brad, Brian Economics: Group # 8: Eli, Grant, Stevie & Amanda