Cracker Chapter 1 -6 Vocab Terms
Lethargically Laziness or lack of energy; sluggish
Reverberated A noise repeated several times as an echo.
Expendable Considered to be not worth keeping or maintaining
Prodigy A person, especially a young one, gifted with exceptional qualities or abilities
Firebrand A person who is passionate about a particular cause
Indignation Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
Intermittent Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous
Platoon A military unit or group of soldiers
Incompetence The inability to do something successfully
Bivouacking Stay in a temporary camp without cover
Meticulous Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
Reprimand A formal expression or disapproval
Moniker A nickname
Tact The ability to know the right thing to say or do; how you come across when speaking
Diplomacy The management of relationships between the governments of different countries