Warm – up 12-9-2008 Notebooks! Have your Homework out! ***Write each sentence and fill in the blank.*** Frequently the title of a magazine or textbook lesson presents the article’s _______ _______. ___________ help bring the topic to life and enrich the text. In a magazine, special features can include ________, ________, or ________, that provide more detailed information on the topic.
Please write today’s objectives 12-9-2008 Today’s Objectives: I will be able to recognize and identify different text structures including Main Idea & Supporting Details, Problem & Solution, Sequence, Cause & Effect, Comparison & Contrast, and Argument.
Recognizing Text Structures Main Idea & Supporting Details NOTES: Main Idea and Supporting Details The main idea in a paragraph is its most important point. Details in the paragraph support the main idea. Look for the main idea, which often is the first sentence in a paragraph. Use the main idea to help you summarize the point of the paragraph. Identify specific details, including facts and examples, that support the main idea.
Recognizing text structures Using the same note taking strategies continue your notes for each of the following: Main Idea and Supporting Details Problem and Solution Sequence Cause and Effect Comparison and Contrast Argument ***Remember to include the Title, Definition, and Bullets for each section. ***Also, please complete the workbook page before moving on to next set of notes.