7 may 2018 By chance j smith Strong Warthogs
What are warthogs? Warthogs they look like a pig but they have horns. They weigh 130-250 pounds. They always live in holes.
What are warthogs behavior? Warthogs behavior is usually normal. They are mad when there fighting their enemies
Why do warthogs have horns? They have horns because to dig and to fight. They have horns because to protect them self. And they have it for mating and they fight for female some times.
Where do warthogs live? Warthogs sometimes live in holes. And they live in savannas. They barley live grass.
Who are warthogs enemies? They are lions, leopard's, crocodiles, wild Africa dogs, They sometimes win because they use there horns.
Bibliography Halms, Kevin J. Warthogs. Mankato. Capstone press.1999.Print.