WebTRAGIS: Status Update and Development Overview Oak Ridge National Laboratory Steven Peterson Transportation Security Symposium Washington, DC June 4-5, 2013
TRAGIS Overview A browser-based GIS tool for modeling transportation routing Offers numerous options for route calculation Provides access to network databases for highway, rail, and waterway infrastructures in the continental United States The model also provides population data for all transportation segments using the LandScan USA population distribution data model The TRAGIS model is deployed as a browser application, where the map display and user interface are accessed through a browser, while the routing engine is located on an external ORNL server.
Recent Development Funding DOE-EM $180K of funding received from DOE-EM in FY12 Allowed for restoration of TRAGIS service Implemented a new set of security and user protocols Instituted a more flexible web-based, open source development platform Full routing and constraint capabilities were not restored In FY13 an additional $180K has been allocated Restoration of population data outputs for use in RADTRAN (expected in mid-March with full browser access in April) Additional population information derived from LandScan Protocols to improve the accessibility of new LandScan data Route modifiers and constraints capability restored HRCQ v. commercial highway routing Unit or manifest trains Node and link blocking Improvements to the GUI (multiple route and layer display), batch routing and new User Manual
Other Developments in FY13 Funded by NE An up-to-date highway network GIS layer in TRAGIS, including Identification by attribute and state, all designated HRCQ routes Identification by attribute and state all heavy-haul truck routes Information on state level transportation planners and approving authorities for both hazmat and heavy haul trucking in route output Improvements to highways topology An updated waterways network, including New origin and destination locations for barge traffic Improved topological accuracy of the waterways links to conform to the actual waterway and shipping lane topology Intermodal routing feasibility study for TRAGIS to include Identification of sources for a node dataset identifying intermodal transfer locations Analysis of required coding updates and estimate of LOE for implementing in TRAGIS
New TRAGIS Interface Browser-based, platform neutral interface Restricted user access Active security features compliant with DOE directives National transportation networks Highway Railway Waterway Population data LandScan Day Night Ambient Routing Analysis
TRAGIS Routing Display and Analysis Provide a route solution from Origin to Destination based on user inputs Display point features of interest Accidents Road hazards Incidents of security concern Block Nodes Block Links Block State or Urban Area Create and Display Alternate Routes A standard TRAGIS Route Display
Detail Display of TRAGIS Route with Interstates
Node Blocking of Incidents of Security Concern For NNSA, ORNL would link to security incident data provided by the First Observer ISAC Center The data would be displayed as a point layer in TRAGIS Route planners could then assess the level of threat presented to any route and take necessary precautions If necessary alternative routes could be created by block highway nodes or links concurrent with particular security incidents Various routes and alternates can be displayed and the route information downloaded for use in filing route plans with appropriate agencies Detail of Incidents of Concern Point Layer Display Detail Display of Original and Alternate Route
Detail of Incidents of Concern Point Layer Display Detail Display of Original and Alternate Route
Population Data Display for Risk Analysis TRAGIS can display population count and density data Route planners can assess risk by incorporating ISAC security incident data with population data