Figure 2. Mitochondrial dynamics in VMH glucose-excited neurons Figure 2. Mitochondrial dynamics in VMH glucose-excited neurons. Schematic illustration showing increased glucose ... Figure 2. Mitochondrial dynamics in VMH glucose-excited neurons. Schematic illustration showing increased glucose levels induce mitochondrial fission and increased neuronal activation in glucose-excited neurons of the VMH. 3V, third ventricle. Unless provided in the caption above, the following copyright applies to the content of this slide: Copyright © 2018 Endocrine Society Endocrinology, Volume 159, Issue 10, 07 September 2018, Pages 3596–3604, The content of this slide may be subject to copyright: please see the slide notes for details.
Figure 1. Mitochondria dynamics in ARC melanocortin neurons Figure 1. Mitochondria dynamics in ARC melanocortin neurons. Schematic illustration showing changes in mitochondrial ... Figure 1. Mitochondria dynamics in ARC melanocortin neurons. Schematic illustration showing changes in mitochondrial dynamics in anorexigenic POMC and orexigenic AgRP neurons of the ARC nucleus. Negative energy balance induces mitochondrial fission in orexigenic AgRP neurons. During positive energy balance, such as HFD feeding, mitochondria density and coverage decrease, indicating mitochondrial fusion. In contrast to AgRP neurons, the activation of anorexigenic POMC neurons under satiety condition leads to mitochondrial fusion, which is associated with elevated ROS levels. In POMC neurons, HFD feeding results in decreased mitochondria-ER interaction and increased free Ca<sup>2+</sup>. 3V, third ventricle. Unless provided in the caption above, the following copyright applies to the content of this slide: Copyright © 2018 Endocrine Society Endocrinology, Volume 159, Issue 10, 07 September 2018, Pages 3596–3604, The content of this slide may be subject to copyright: please see the slide notes for details.