Things that break the Salat Speaking and talking in the course of prayers. Laughing, Eating, Drinking If someone in the course of prayer remembers that he has not done the ablution he should break the prayer and go for ablution. If a person’s wudu breaks, his prayer is invalid he must go and make wudu again. The prayer becomes invalid if a person hastens in ruku or sujud. Turning oneself away from the direction of Qibla also invalidates the prayer. Happy Land for Islamic Teachings
Things that break the Salat- True or False Speaking and talking in the course of prayers. Blinking eyes. Laughing Eating Drinking Drinking tea If someone in the course of prayer remembers that he has not done the ablution he should break the prayer and go for ablution. Looking at the place of prostration. If a person’s wudu breaks, his prayer is invalid he must go and make wudu again. The prayer becomes invalid if a person hastens in ruku or sujud. Going into ruku. Not covering your feet. Turning oneself away from the direction of Qibla also invalidates the prayer. Wearing shoes. Happy Land for Islamic Teachings