Cell Reproduction “Mitosis”
Somatic (Body) Cell Life Cycle (everything but eggs and sperm) INTERPHASE (Everything ‘in between’ mitotic cell divisions.) G1: Newly formed cell grows up and does its job. S Phase: Cell starts copying its DNA G2: The cell continues to do its regular job, but more slowly and important organelles are duplicated. MITOSIS Cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase
MITOSIS Asexual reproduction of cells. Also called cloning and vegetative propagation. Results in two, identical daughter cells. Necessary for: Maintenance Growth Reproduction in asexual species
PMAT 4N Cell PROPHASE Condensed chromosomes Bye bye nuclear envelope Centrioles hook spindle fibers to chromosomes
PMAT 4N Cell METAPHASE Chromosomes line up at the plate. Sister Chromatids Homologous Chromosomes
4N Cell PMAT ANAPHASE Spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart toward centrosomes.
PMAT 2, 2N Cells TELOPHASE Hello nuclear envelope! Good bye spindle fibers! Chromosomes decondense (is this a word?) Cell plate forms in plants/ cell membrane pinches off in animals.
Cytokinesis PLANTS: ANIMALS: Cell wall forms between new cells New plasma, or cell membrane forms around new cells.
Mitosis Animation