EU Water Framework Directive Eutrophication activity State of play WG A ECOSTAT meeting Ispra, 15-16 March 2005 Jorge Rodriguez Romero European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team
First part Eutrophication Guidance Version 7.1 under consultation until 1 April First four chapters: Introduction Overall conceptual framework for the assessment of eutrophication Overview and common understanding of eutrophication in EC and international policies The WFD concept of ecological status in the context of eutrophication
Annexes Eutrophication Guidance Annex 1: The understanding of eutrophication WFD Urban Waste Water Treatment Nitrates Habitats Shellfish Freshwater Fish Bathing Abstraction of Drinking Water National Emission Ceilings for Atmospheric Pollutants European Marine Strategy Conceptual understanding Methods to assess eutrophication Extract of Classification Guidance Annex 2: Interpretation of the WFD concept of ecological status in the context of the impacts caused by nutrient enrichment
Calendar First part of the Guidance Consultation until 1 April Steering Group meeting 21 April SCG 19-20 May Water Directors 20-21 June (endorsement)
Calendar Second part of the Guidance Start preparatory work DG ENV-JRC-Technical Secretariat 17 March Steering group meeting 21 April SCG and Water Directors May-June Workshop September (tbc) … SCG 26-27 October Water Directors 28-29 November
Contents Second part of the Guidance (Examples for) Harmonisation of assessment criteria (in particular for physico-chemical parameters) Informal intercalibration process for assessment criteria other than biological quality elements Monitoring – guidance and integration of requirements stemming from various obligations Case studies / Best practice examples Next steps – links of eutrophication assessment with pressure and impact analysis and programme of measures Conclusions