1. Location of WPTC Center WPTC Center address Old address - 1090 Daehak-ri, Hayang-eup, Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do New address - 4, Jisiksaneop 5-ro, Gyeongsan city, Gyeongbuk, Korea, 38408 We have 2 address(Old and New) New address can not search the WPTC center on Google map Please, use the old address when searching Google map
2. Hotel Recommendation WPTC Center Instar Tourist Hotel Encor Hotel Encore Hotel : https://www.encorehotel.org/ The Grand Hotel daegu : http://www.daegugrand.co.kr/grand/main/index.php Hotel interburgo daegu : http://www.hotel-interburgo-daegu.com/ WPTC Center Instar Tourist Hotel Encor Hotel Hotel interburgo daegu The Grand Hotel daegu It takes 30~40 minutes from WPTC Center to Hotel by car If you use a taxi, a taxi fare is about $25 ~ 30 (Korean won: approximately 30,000 ~ 35,000 won) We recommend rental cars.
3. Deagu Tourist Information DAEGU Tourist Information: https://tour.daegu.go.kr/eng/stayList.do?BRD_ID=stay&IDX=119&seIDX=97&grIDX=87 - DAEGU is close to the Hotel and WPTC Center - You can use public transportations (bus, subway, taxi) WPTC Center Daegu City
4. GyeongJu Tourist Information - GyeongJu is the city that have Bulkuksa, Sukulam and famous butas city and historic city. - It takes 1 ~ 1:30 hours from Daegu to GyeongJu by car - Also, You can use public transportations from Daegu to GyeongJu (Express bus, Train) WPTC Center Daegu City GyeongJu City