Feedback from Meeting of the Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis 14th October 2014 MSCG 10-11 November 2014, Brussels.


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Presentation transcript:

Feedback from Meeting of the Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis 14th October 2014 MSCG 10-11 November 2014, Brussels

Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014 Actions Points 1. Economic analysis to support MS with the development of the programme of measures for the MSFD - "Background document summarizing experiences with respect to economic analysis to support MS with the development of their programmes of measures for the MSFD" Arcadis – doc MSCG_14-2014-06 Submit to MSCG to be adopted 2. Cofinancing opportunities document – doc MSCG_14-2014-05 Annex2 of the PoM recommendations 3.Update on EMFF and ERDF funding 2017-2020 Informal exchange on funding considered useful for MS DG ENV and DG MARE joining effort on national EMFF spending discussion Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014

Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014 Actions Points 4. Draft recommendation on POM a. State of play with respect to the PoM in the various MS/RSCs NL presented questionnaire regarding current status of POM development and related issues Exchanges on experiences were welcomed and helpful Questionnaire to be sent to MS for reply by the 9th january 2015 b. Update chapter VII in view of the best practice document New version submitted to MSCG for adoption doc MSCG_14-2014-05 c. Exemptions paper Discussed and submit to MSCG for adoption doc MSCG_14-2014-05 Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014

Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014 Actions Points 5. Future work programme Further discussion needed, updated version will be discussed at next ESA WG meeting in march 2015 6. Reporting on PoM – update and discussion ongoing discussion, MS commented and participated to drafting group on PoM reporting 7. Exchange on best practices on public participation is further work relevant? Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014

Thank you for your attention ! Feedback from ESA WG meeting, held in the 14th-15th October 2014