Existential This area has do to with philosophical issues of life. The learn best by thinking analytical questions. Careers which suit those with this intelligence include readers, religious speakers.
Cannot be determined/none of the above What do you think Ellen was most likely feeling at the moment this picture was taken? (Ellen is the woman in the pink shirt) Bored Hopeful Stressed Terrified Shocked Cannot be determined/none of the above I don't know
Cannot be determined/none of the above What do you think Stacy was most likely feeling at the moment this picture was taken? (Stacy is the woman in the red shirt) Disgusted Excited Sad Happy Neutral Cannot be determined/none of the above I don't know
Cannot be determined/none of the above What do you think Steve was most likely feeling at the moment this picture was taken? (Steve is the young man in the red shirt) Neutral Sad Amused Curious Joyful Cannot be determined/none of the above I don't know
Cannot be determined/none of the above Imagine that Ellen is returning from a visit with her boyfriend, who has unexpectedly broken up with her. Knowing this, and seeing her expression, she most likely feels which one of the following emotions? Sad Furious Neutral Relieved Suspicious Cannot be determined/none of the above I don't know
Imagine that Stacy is telling a story to her friend in green, who is clearly not paying attention. Seeing her friend’s reaction, Stacy most likely feels which of the following emotions? Shocked Furious Excited Happy Frustrated I don't know
Imagine that Steve has just noticed his good friend Ellen standing in front of him at the corner. He’s always had a bit of a crush on her. It’s been a long time since he has last seen her. Knowing this, and seeing his expression, he most likely feels which of the following emotions? Thrilled Fearful Nervous Surprised Calm I don't know
Trait Heritability
Twin Studies: Intelligence
Intelligence Scores?