.Graph for Excel Enhancing the Graphics Production Process at the OECD MSIS2014 Dublin Prepared by: Susan Cartwright Presented by: Jonathan Challener
Outline Introduction Overview of three solutions provided by OECD.Graph Formatting Facilitating the translation process Creation of Statlink files Evidence of impact Future developments
OECD.Graph: A solution to 3 problems OECD.Graph is enhancing the graphics production process at the OECD in three ways: Automating the formatting of graphs with the OECD Look & Feel Facilitating the creation of alternative language versions of graphs (translating process) Automating the generation of “StatLink” files (catalogued Excel files for dissemination).
How does it work? OECD.Graph is an Excel macro that users add to their Excel menu They then open the Excel file with the graphs they want to work on, and move through the ribbon left to right, making formatting, translating,… choices
1. Formatting graphs with the OECD Look & Feel General (publication) options: Choice of: Style templates, color palette, page dimensions Chart/ panel options: Choice of: Size/layout, Colors, Patterns Begin with the first function: Formatting -- Lets go through the basic steps required to format a graph. First..
Open an Excel file with a graph to format..
Choose a style template
Select: “OECD Standard” Icon changes
Choose a colour palette
Select: “Bichrome” Icon changes
Choose page dimensions
Select: 21 x 28 Icon is Large Page by default
Choose a size/layout
Select: “1/3 Page (2 graphs in same row)” Icon reflects choice
Choose a start color
Apply Formatting –> Go
OECD Look & Feel The graph has been formatted with the OECD look & feel.
Formatting a Panel of charts A panel is a set of several charts to be formatted together on the same page.
Select Panel Size & Panel Layout -> Go The OECD.Graph ribbon has two sets of icons that that allow one to specify the panel size (i.e. as a portion of a page) and the panel layout , which determines the disposition of the graphs in the panel.
OECD Look & Feel
Options Many options are available to customize the formatting of a chart
Option: Focus country Allows users to highlight one or two bars Below: CZE = first focus; OECD= 2nd focus At the OECD, graphs often focus on the performance of one country as compared with the OECD average and with other member countries. This is possible using focus option in OECD.Graph.
Option: Customize There are many other Options – allowing authors to adjust spacing, change line colors, exclude some components from formatting, etc.
Panel Legends: Development in progress Before - 4 graphs, 4 legends: We are just completing the “Panel legend” development… Be default, in a panel of graphs, each graph is an ExcelChart object, each with its individual legend. But, often users would like to have only one legend that applies to all graphs in the panel.
After - 4 graphs, 1 legend: This development has not been trivial, as the ExcelChart object model does not contain a panel legend. So, we are creating a new object, a panel legend object, and positioning it carefully on the sheet above the ExcelCharts in the panel.
Separation of macro code and formatting specifications Style templates = XML files XML tags = components of the Excel Chart XML attribute values = formatting specifications in the “charte graphique” We have carefully separated the actual format specifications from the macro code. Information about colors, sizes, fonts, etc, are held in XML configuration files that are edited separately from the code.
Excerpt from the “OECD Standard” XML file: “Bichrome palette” tag <Palette Name="Bichrome (B & W + Blue)"> <Picture>PaletteBlue</Picture> ... <Color R="79" G="129" B="189"> <Label> Blue accent 1 </Label> </Color> <Color R="184" G="204" B="228"> <Label> Blue Accent One Lighter 60% </Label> <Color R="216" G="216" B="216"> <Label> White Background Darker 15% </Label> </Palette>
2. Translation Facilitator Extract Texts Apply Translation After formatting, the second major function of OECD.Graph is to assist with the translation process for graphs.
Extract Texts icon -> Extract all text elements from the graph The Extract Texts icon extracts text from Chart Title, Legend, Axis titles, Axis labels, Footnotes,…- all text elements in the graph, and including the footnotes in the cells under the graph,
“Extracted texts” sheet Extracted Texts sheet is created. User then fills in column “French” with translations. Any items that are not translated will be kept in the original language.
Do the actual translation
Apply translation icon -> New graph is created with translated texts
New sheet: Figure 1_French It’s difficult to read, but the text elements in this graph are in French! Note that the operation “Extract texts can be applied to “All sheets in a workbook” or even to “All Excel files in a folder” One “Extracted sheets” file can be created for 100 graphs, with no repeated texts. The translator can then translate all of the text at once The author can “Apply translation” to “All sheets in workbook” or to “All Excel files in folder”
3. Automating the creation of Statlink files Statlinks are hyperlinks that appear at the bottom of all graphs and tables in OECD’s electronic publications. Clicking on the link gives readers access to “Statlink files” which contain the data behind the graphs – in an Excel table. OECD.Graph automates the production of Statlink files. Statlink
Statlink file: graph + data in particular format A new Excel file has been created – containing the graph and the data Using the “Create Statlinks” icon, it is possible to create statlink files for “All graphs in a workbook” or for “All graphs in all Excel files in a folder.” This functionality has saved authors hours of work.
Evidence of impact of OECD.Graph The usage of OECD.Graph within the OECD has increased significantly in recent months: from 25 at the beginning of 2013 to over 160 users today. The tool is used to format graphs in more and more OECD publications.
Feedback from users “Very useful knowledge. Everyone should use OECD.Graph!” “This will save me a lot of time and the end result (the graphs) will look a lot nicer.” “ It's a great tool that should be used across all directorates - people need to know about it!” “Real value for our organisation” “Prepare complying graphs more efficiently.” “I will be using OECD.Graph immediately as a result of this training.” “Great for integrating harmonised graphs into our publications.” Feedback received after OECD.Graph training sessions.
Development roadmap for 2014 OECD.Graph will be interfaced with our new “SVG engine” in order to create high quality SGV (scalable vector graphics) output for the web Formatting functionality will be extended to tables Integration with new Authoring Environment: graphs will become smart content in XML-based documents
Susan Cartwright, OECD susan.cartwright@oecd.org Thank you Susan Cartwright, OECD susan.cartwright@oecd.org