University College Educational Planning and Registration Session DePaolo Hall 910-962-3245
Overview You will be signing up for classes today Academic Advisors are here to help you We will have a short presentation before you sign up for courses
Orientation Form Write your current interest area/major and cell phone number – AA/AS at top
Placement Testing Information
Additional Placement Information English Placement: If you did not transfer in English credit, it’s based on SAT or ACT If you did not take SAT or ACT, you can sign up for ENG 101 Special Section ENG 101 / 101 – Resource Supported Writing Class Math Placement: Based on ACT scores, UNCW Math Placement Test, AP or Transfer Credit If scored 1 or 2 on placement exam, take MAT 105 or do MyMathTest module in the Fall or summer Supplemental Credit MAT 161 with C or better – 3 additional credits
Additional Placement Information Foreign Language Placement Two options Continue with high school language: Take UNCW placement test and take what you place into or build off transfer credits Start a new language at the 101 level – no need to take placement test If no lang in HS, must take 101>102>201 No more than two courses are required from students who graduated high school more than seven years prior to matriculation to UNCW. Supplemental Credit Language 200 or higher earning a C or better – 3-6 additional credits
Transfer Credits Fill in AP/IB exams and college courses completed (that are not already listed) List the score next to the test if you know it Cape Fear Community College ENG 111
Transfer Credits DO NOT register for any course for which you have received (or expect to receive) transfer or AP/IB credit. Available transcripts have been reviewed for transfer credits and equivalencies at UNCW. Have FINAL transcripts sent to UNCW ASAP. Equivalency questions – ask advisor!! Can pull up unofficial transcript in another window.
Orientation Prep Sheet Advisors have reviewed academic transcripts and major/Univ Studies Follow recommendations in file – update advisors of changes to major ASAP and update advisor on additional coursework for other recommendations
Graduation Requirements Complete University Studies – 39-50 hrs. Fulfill Major requirements – 39-70 hrs. Earn minimum120 Semester Hours (may need electives)
Univ Studies – If an AA/AS Will be waived from US EXCEPT: - PED 101 (also waived for Military students-unless qualify for Bilateral Articulation Agreement) - Foreign Language – up to 201 in language studied in high school or 101-102 in new language - Diverse Nation or Global Society (unless Bilateral AA) - Competencies – 3 in each category If you have taken the exact equivalencies within these areas, you will get credit for them.
Bilateral Articulation Agreement If you have graduated from a school below w/ an Associate of Arts, Science, or Fine Arts, with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA the following are also waived: PED 101 Global Society and Diverse Nation MUST meet UNCW Foreign Lang requirements Bilateral Articulation Agreement Members Alamance CC Fayetteville Tech CC Asheville-Buncombe Tech CC James Sprunt CC Bladen CC Lenoir CC Brunswick CC Pitt CC Cape Fear CC Sampson CC Carteret CC Southeastern CC Coastal Carolina CC Wake Tech CC Craven CC Wayne CC Durham Tech CC
To register, search for “University College” and select UNI 201. UNI 201: Transfer Seminar UNI 201 is 3 credit, elective seminar-style course that supports transfer students in their transition to UNCW. Students are able fulfill 3 hours Information Literacy and 3 hours Writing Intensive Competencies. Students will leave UNI 201 with: Academic and career plan Résumé and cover letter Academic strategies and skills Knowledge of campus resources, opportunities, and policies Library and research skills Community with other transfer students To register, search for “University College” and select UNI 201.
Pre-Health and Pre-Law Students Pre-Professional Programs offers advising, resources, and programs to prepare pre-law and pre-health students for admission to graduate school. We help with determining prerequisites for the program you’re interested in, how to incorporate those into your chosen major, what extracurricular pieces are required (shadowing, volunteering, research, etc.), help with personal statements, application guidance, etc. from the time you begin at UNCW until you are admitted into a graduate level program! We also provide programs and events throughout the year to help you on your way to becoming a successful candidate to the professional program of your choice. Enroll today at to start your path to success! Drop in hours Mondays & Thursdays, 10am – 12 noon
Registering for Courses Follow recommendations in file – update advisors of changes to major ASAP and update advisor on additional coursework for other recommendations University Studies and Major Courses (if applicable) 12 credits – full time status Prerequisites – may need override if not on transcript – ask advisor Be flexible with your schedule Balance of coursework rigor, strengths, and weaknesses
Dropping and Adding Classes Reserved seats are available until 12pm the day after orientation SeaNet will stay open for registration until the end of add/drop – Wed. Aug. 28 – 11:59pm Classes begin on Wed. Aug. 21 You may add or drop a class on SeaNet Talk to your advisor before making course changes
Note: Military Veterans You are waived from PED 101 Send all final transcripts and test scores to UNCW You received a navy blue folder during your military session today. There is a form that must be filled out with your schedule. Bring this to Financial Aid in Warwick before you leave today!
Get advisor signature before exiting SeaNet
Check Out Instructions Get advisor signature on duplicate worksheet before signing out of SeaNet – this is final approval. Go to checkout in Burney Center Can pick up OneCard
Registration Time! Go to Click on How To Register for Courses in the middle of the page.
Let’s Get Started PIN