EEA European Topic Centre on Water


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Presentation transcript:

EEA European Topic Centre on Water ETC Water - Marine Team Test data exchange to support development of a biological indicators in transitional and coastal waters Monika Peterlin, IWRS EEA European Topic Centre on Water Ecostat 5-6 October 2010, Ispra, Italy

Number of countries reported (EU 27+NO) Results in 2009 Map of reported sites Countries that have submitted data are shown in green. Test data flow 2009 Number of countries reported (EU 27+NO)

Preliminary results from test data flow 2009 The proportion of reported sites within each ecological status class per country

The proportion of reported water bodies within each ecological status class per (sub)regional sea Preliminary results from test data flow 2009 Geographical coverage of regional seas

Preliminary results from test data flow 2009 Detailed presentation of results Classification of reported water bodies based on BIF index

BQE indicators development for transitional and coastal waters Work in 2010 Additional reporting sheets were developed for : phytoplankton (blooms), macroalgae and angiosperms Benthic inv. fauna reporting sheet was revised Test data reporting was prepared for all BQE

Test data exchange in 2010 Based on survey about data avbilability in 2010 (Coast meeting, jan. ) Which test data flow would be feasible for your country in 2010? 2nd test reporting: - Benthic inv. (2009,2010) - Macroalgae (2010) - Angiosperms (2010) - Phytoplankton (blooms) (2010)

Data model – for all biological quality elements in TC waters Test data reporting sheets used the same approach as for benthic inv. fauna Data dictionaries for biology and data templates for TC waters can be downloaded from Reportnet: Data model – for all biological quality elements in TC waters

(all EEA Member countries with TC waters ) Reporting in 2009/sept. 2010 (all EEA Member countries with TC waters ) Only benth.inv.fauna data were reported so far ‘old’ templates were used for reporting

Future work EEA will follow up the development of IC work and revise boundary values when new boundaries have been reported to Ecostat (towards the end of IC phase 2. in late 2011). Indicators assessment sheets will be developed in the period of 2012 to contribute to the blue print for water report (based on data from 2011) We encourage more of the countries to participate in the test data flow – please remind your colleagues to send data Foto: UNIC-SUB, L. Fonda

Thank you for your attention ! Foto: UNIC-SUB, L. Fonda Foto: UNIC-SUB, L. Fonda Foto: UNIC-SUB, L. Fonda Thank you for your attention !