Take your Foundation Higher: Strategically Recruiting Board Members MLA Presentation Take your Foundation Higher: Strategically Recruiting Board Members
Before you start, be sure you have… 501 (c) 3 Articles of Incorporation ByLaws Mission Statement Board Job Description
Who do you want sitting at the table? Where do I begin? What’s missing? Key attributes
Recruitment Strategy Develop list of top candidates Recruit partner Information to include
Introducing the Library First Date Tour Vision Questions Interest
Three keys to fundraising 1. Credibility in the larger community. 2 Three keys to fundraising 1. Credibility in the larger community. 2. Passion for library’s transformative capacity. 3. Relationship building.
Direct mail Facebook, etc Direct mail Facebook, etc. Annual events Grant applications Small group prezzies FACE TO FACE ASKS
Start them on the right foot Orient and Educate “Elevator speech” Major projects Financials Meet the program staff Where are you headed?
Help them engage Board members want to make a meaningful contribution Remember they are volunteers Set realistic expectations Be specific Make introductions to three business leaders Bring three couples to the fundraiser Write 10 thank-you notes Encourage them to take ownership of projects or committees
Say thanks!
Presenters Janay Johnson Bozeman PLF Janay@Bozemanlibraryfoundation Presenters Janay Johnson Bozeman PLF Janay@Bozemanlibraryfoundation.org Leslie Modrow Billings PLF leslie@billingslibraryfoundation.org Karl Olson Missoula PLF kolson@Missoula.lib.mt.us