Victorian refers to the time when Victoria was queen from 1837 to 1901. Anyone who was alive at that time is called Victorian. Buildings that were built at that time were also called Victorian. So were things that were invented during that time. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
SAMPLE SLIDE Those who had money lived well away from smoky, noisy Victorian factories and railway lines. Many had several servants and their own carriages. They ate well and dressed smartly. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
SAMPLE SLIDE Many children from wealthy and middle class families saw very little of their parents. They were looked after by a nanny while they were young and nanny would present the children to their parents before bedtime so that their parents could see them. Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show
When their children were young they’d have a nursemaid (a nanny), then a governess, then the boys would go to the local school. They would probably have a horse and carriage but their house wouldn’t be a large one so their children would have to share bedrooms. But did everyone live like this? SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show Victorian terraced houses
Who were the Victorians and when did they live? What do you think life was like for the Victorians and their children? What was life like for the poor in Victorian times? How do you think it was different from our lives? Who helped to improve the lives of Victorian children? How did life change for the children as they grew up? To understand that ways of life differed greatly across Victorian Society. To use evidence from Victorian paintings and photographs to suggest how people from the past lived. To collect information from a range of sources and draw conclusions about the Victorian period To understand that there are many representations of the Victorian period To recognise some similarities and differences between the lives of children from different areas of Victorian society; ask and answer questions about the period by using at least one source of information To understand that the work of individuals can change aspects of society To find out about important figures in Victorian times If your back button doesn’t work……… to return to your last webpage CLICK HERE