Intermediate GradeS
Progression Videos Multiplication: 3rd - 5th Division: 3rd - 5th
3rd grade- Multiplication * Every concept is based around students knowing their basic facts. *Multiplication strategies: Construct Arrays/pictorial representation/ explain what the model represents Begin to create an area model using base ten blocks Drawing pictorial models Use numbers to represent pictures Number lines Relationship between multiplication and division (fact families) Application - problem solving
4th grade/5th grade Multiplication Multiplying multi-digit problems: Area Models Partial Products Traditional Algorithm
Now give it a try! Mrs. Risolo has 19 conferences. If each conference requires 20 minutes of her time, how many minutes will Mrs. Risolo conference with her parents? Solve using either the area model or partial products strategies. Show your work!
3rd grade- Division * Modeling story problems to create conceptual understanding * Grouping numbers to make it more efficient (repeated subtraction) * Dividend greater than 10: use number line, arrays, bar diagrams
4th grade/5th grade Division * Extend their understanding. Models/representation written expression * 4th grade - Partial quotients: use repeated subtraction of friendly numbers/ powers of 10. * 5th grade- Dividing decimals * 6th grade- Traditional algorithm
Now let’s give it a try! There are 785 seats in CHS auditorium. If the auditorium has 5 sections, with the same number of seats in each section, how many seats are in each section? Show your work using partial quotients.
How comfortable do you feel with helping your child with multi-digit multiplication strategies at home?
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