Standards for Training Packages
Outline Outline of the development of the Standards Framework Transition timelines Overview of the Standards Framework and implementation Next steps and further information
Background and Context During the development of Standards for Training Packages was informed by: reforms initiated by the COAG VET Products for the 21st Century Report (2009) and subsequent National Quality Council (NQC) policy; and Training Package Development Handbook The development work did not attempt to re-open debate regarding existing policy
SCOTESE November 2012: New Standards for Training Packages Endorsed
Standards Framework One standard that defines Training Packages as a product Two standards for compliance with NSSC policies to support implementation of the standards framework Nine standards that define the components of a Training Package
Purpose of the ensure Training Packages are of high quality and meet the workforce development needs of industry, enterprises and individuals....apply to the design and development of Training Packages for endorsement consideration by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) The purpose of the Standards is consistent with the NSSC Charter endorsed by Ministers
Standard 1 Training Packages consist of the following: 1. NSSC endorsed components: units of competency; assessment requirements (associated with each unit of competency); qualifications; and credit arrangements. 2. One or more quality assured companion volumes.
Key points for Standard 1 The NSSC endorsed components are the RTO requirements and subject to VET regulation The non-endorsed component is advice for RTOs to support implementation and not subject to VET regulation
Standard 2 Training Package developers comply with the NSSC Training Package Products Policy Products policy organised to support the design of Training Packages, units of competency, qualifications and skill sets within the standards framework
Key points for Standard 2 No endorsement year for Training Packages no need for full reviews but ISCs may elect to continue this practice continuous improvement is centred on units and qualifications Skill Sets note that AVETMISS 7 (implemented in 2014) will require coding
Standard 3 Training Package developers comply with the NSSC Training Package Development and Endorsement Process Policy Mostly updated from existing policy to reflect new governance arrangements and strengthened quality assurance arrangements
Key points for Standard 3 Case for Endorsement/NSSC endorsement process no submission unless compliance against the Standards is confirmed through the Quality Report concise Case for Endorsement and available on ISC websites ISC websites endorsement consideration at NSSC meetings potential out-of-session consideration under exceptional circumstances
Final submission dates for Cases for Endorsement NSSC meeting dates for January February March April May June July August August October October December 2013
Quality Assurance Industry Skills Councils (ISCs): responsible for the quality and quality assurance process of Training Packages Office of the NSSC: manages the new Quality Assurance (QA) Panel on behalf of the NSSC ensures consistent auditing against the standards reviews Cases for Endorsement and provides advice to NSSC in endorsement consideration
New Quality Assurance Panel Anticipate operational mid 2013 Significant ongoing professional development Key source of advice to the Office of the NSSC/NSSC ISCs may engage any QA Panel members as a source of expertise in development Until establishment, ISCs use existing QA Panel in consultation with the Office of the NSSC
Mandatory Reports for QA Editorial and Equity Reports undertaken by QA Panel member or ISC member with appropriate expertise Quality Report Office of the NSSC allocation of one or more QA Panel members from which ISCs can select ISC provides evidence to meet compliance against the standards Quality Report is an audit to assess compliance against the standards based on the evidence provided
Standard 4 Units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the workplace Primary audience is industry Concise and clear requirements
Standard 5 The structure of units of competency complies with the unit of competency template Integrated foundation skills
Standard 6 Assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for assessment Primary audience are regulators and RTOs Clear and specific requirements
Standard 7 Every unit of competency has associated assessment requirements. The structure of assessment requirements complies with the assessment requirements template Greater specification of assessment evidence (performance and knowledge) and assessment conditions in which assessment evidence is collected Clearer assessor requirements
Standard 8 Qualifications comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework specification for that qualification type Qualifications compliance is a key focus for the NSSC NOTE: 1 January 2015 full implementation of the revised AQF
Standard 9 The structure of the information for the Australian Qualifications Framework qualification complies with the qualification template
Standard 10 Credit arrangements existing between Training Package qualifications and Higher Education qualifications are listed in a format that complies with the credit arrangements template
Standard 11 A quality assured companion volume implementation guide produced by the Training Package developer is available at the time of endorsement and complies with the companion volume implementation guide template ISC QA process for Companion Volumes publicly documented
Standard 12 Training Package developers produce other quality assured companion volumes to meet the needs of their stakeholders as required NSSC may initiate an external review of the Companion Volume Quality Assurance Process and outcomes at any time
Next steps Visit the NSSC website for communication activities and information regarding the StandardsNSSC website Visit ISC websites for specific information regarding Training PackagesISC websites NSSC working with key stakeholders in implementation