How to Write a 12-Sentence Paragraph


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Presentation transcript:

How to Write a 12-Sentence Paragraph Quarter 1, 2018

Clarifying/Elaboration sentence / transition to first main point Topic Sentence Clarifying/Elaboration sentence / transition to first main point Transition, Claim #1 (after the comma) Lead in, “quotation” (page). Analysis: explain how the quotation proves your claim Transition, Claim #2 (after the comma) Transition, Claim #3 (after the comma) Transition, concluding statement. #1 #2 #3

Sentence 1—Topic Sentence This sentence will direct the paragraph. Be sure that it contains what you are going to talk about and the theme that you are going to prove. The topic sentence should be only one sentence. In the summer homework, the theme that it is important to share a sense of community with others is expressed in Bill Moyer’s interview of Sherman Alexie, the “Assimilation through Education” article, and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven in order to show the importance of belonging somewhere.

Sentence 2: Elaboration The elaboration sentence gives more information about the topic of the essay. It can be more than one sentence. The importance of belonging is clearly seen in in Sherman Alexie’s interview, the assimilation article, and the novel.

Sentence 3: Claim 1 This sentence should start with a transition and explain what you are going to prove. It should involve the first work of literature that you mention in your thesis statement. To begin, Sherman Alexie explains the idea of feeling lost and having no place to belong in his interview with Bill Moyers.

Sentence 4: Evidence for Claim 1 Provide context for the quote/paraphrase that will be used for evidence. If the evidence is a direct quotation, put quotation marks around it. If the evidence is paraphrased information, do not use quotation marks. Evidence from text must be internally cited. During the interview, Alexie comments that he feels lost both inside his culture as well as lost inside the larger culture of the world around him, leading him to feel like he is living “inbetween” (Bill Moyer’s interview of Sherman Alexie).

Sentence 5: Analysis of Evidence These sentences explain how the quotation/paraphrased evidence proves the claim. It also links the quotation/paraphrased evidence back to the theme expressed in the topic sentence. Do not introduce any additional evidence in the analysis. This will normally take 2-3 sentences. Because Alexie does not feel a sense of belonging in either world he lives in, he is in essence a lost man. He does not seem to feel safe in either world; thus, he is lost both on the reservation and in “white man’s world,” illustrating the importance of having a place to feel safe and belong.

Sentence 6: Claim 2 This sentence should start with a transition and explain what you are going to prove. It should involve the next work of literature from your thesis statement, or, if you are using two works of literature, a second example of evidence from the first work of literature that you mention in your thesis statement. Next, governmental boarding schools contribute to the loss of belonging for many Native American children.

Sentence 7: Evidence for Claim 2 Provide context for the quote/paraphrase that will be used for evidence. If the evidence is a direct quotation, put quotation marks around it. If the evidence is paraphrased information, do not use quotation marks. Evidence from text must be internally cited. According to the article, “The goal of Indian education from the 1880s through the 1920s was to assimilate Indian people into the melting pot of America by placing them in institutions where traditional ways could be replaced by those sanctioned by the government. . . In this way, the policy makers believed, young people would be immersed in the values and practical knowledge of the dominant American society while also being kept away from any influences imparted by their traditionally-minded relatives” (“Assimilation through Education).

Sentence 8: Analysis of Evidence These sentences explain who the quotation/paraphrased evidence proves the claim. It also links the quotation/paraphrased evidence back to the theme expressed in the topic sentence. Do not introduce any additional evidence in the analysis. This will normally take 2-3 sentences. By purposefully replacing native ways with ones accepted by the US government and white people, Native Americans are forced to give up ideals and beliefs that are important to them and their families. Not allowing children to have these ideals and beliefs separates them from their families and culture; this, in turn, leads to a feeling of isolation and loss of security. By not feeling as if they belong, these children are lost in a culture they do not understand.

Sentence 9: Claim 3 This sentence should start with a transition and explain what you are going to prove. It should involve the next work of literature from your thesis statement, or, if you are using two works of literature, a second example of evidence from the first work of literature that you mention in your thesis statement. Finally, Sherman Alexie alludes to the importance of feeling a part of a community in his book The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.

Sentence 10: Evidence for Claim 3 Provide context for the quote/paraphrase that will be used for evidence. If the evidence is a direct quotation, put quotation marks around it. If the evidence is paraphrased information, do not use quotation marks. Evidence from text must be internally cited. In the story, Thomas and Victor travel together to retrieve Victor’s father’s ashes after his death. Thomas agrees to travel with Victor and loan him money because he promised Victor’s father that Thomas would take care of him (70). Thomas knows he can never be Victor’s friend because people would tease Victor; Victor feels shame because he knows that Thomas has no one to whom he is close. Victor wonders where the idea of community has gone on the reservation (Alexie 74).

Sentence 11: Analysis of Evidence These sentences explain who the quotation/paraphrased evidence proves the claim. It also links the quotation/paraphrased evidence back to the theme expressed in the topic sentence. Do not introduce any additional evidence in the analysis. This will normally take 2-3 sentences. Despite the fact that Victor understands the importance of belonging somewhere and to someone, he is unable to give Thomas the sense of community he needs; Thomas is a person without a place and illustrates why it is important to belong somewhere.

Sentence 12: Concluding Sentence The concluding sentence summarizes and reiterates the main points of the paragraph. It should begin with a transition and provide closure to the paragraph. Clearly, there are multiple examples that illustrate that people need to share a sense of community with each other because they need to feel as if they belong.

In the summer homework, the theme that it is important to share a sense of community with others is expressed in Bill Moyer’s interview of Sherman Alexie, the “Assimilation through Education” article, and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven in order to show the importance of belonging somewhere. The importance of belonging is clearly seen in in Sherman Alexie’s interview, the assimilation article, and the novel. To begin, Sherman Alexie explains the idea of feeling lost and having no place to belong in his interview with Bill Moyers. During the interview, Alexie comments that he feels lost both inside his culture as well as lost inside the larger culture of the world around him, leading him to feel like he is living “inbetween” (Bill Moyer’s interview of Sherman Alexie). Because Alexie does not feel a sense of belonging in either world he lives in, he is in essence a lost man. He does not seem to feel safe in either world; thus, he is lost both on the reservation and in “white man’s world,” illustrating the importance of having a place to feel safe and belong. Next, governmental boarding schools contribute to the loss of belonging for many Native American children. According to the article, “The goal of Indian education from the 1880s through the 1920s was to assimilate Indian people into the melting pot of America by placing them in institutions where traditional ways could be replaced by those sanctioned by the government. . . In this way, the policy makers believed, young people would be immersed in the values and practical knowledge of the dominant American society while also being kept away from any influences imparted by their traditionally-minded relatives” (“Assimilation through Education). Finally, Sherman Alexie alludes to the importance of feeling a part of a community in his book The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. In the story, Thomas and Victor travel together to retrieve Victor’s father’s ashes after his death. Thomas agrees to travel with Victor and loan him money because he promised Victor’s father that Thomas would take care of him (Alexie70). Thomas knows he can never be Victor’s friend because people would tease Victor; Victor feels shame because he knows that Thomas has no one to whom he is close. Victor wonders where the idea of community has gone on the reservation (Alexie 74). Despite the fact that Victor understands the importance of belonging somewhere and to someone, he is unable to give Thomas the sense of community he needs; Thomas is a person without a place and illustrates why it is important to belong somewhere. Clearly, there are multiple examples that illustrate that people need to share a sense of community with each other because they need to feel as if they belong.

Words of Wisdom. . . Tie evidence to theme in analysis. This shows that. . . Use present tense—the analysis is happening now Be sure to address and answer the prompt Your theme must be a theme statement—it needs a subject and verb The problems of racism a sentence. People who are different are often mistreated and disrespected a sentence. Do not use first and second person pronouns. Be sure to cite where you found the evidence using internal citations. (Alexie 74) (“Eulogy”) (The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven) (“Assimilation Through Education”) (Bill Moyer’s interview of Sherman Alexie) (“30 Days on a Reservation”)