Curriculum Overview Nursery 2018/19 Communication and language Personal, social and emotional Physical development Listen to others attentively Follow instructions Answer and ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions Sequence events using past present and future accurately Share and take turns Make choices Become more aware of others feelings Work as part of a group Strengthening core stability Develop good pencil grip and control How to keep warm in winter Understanding of the world Mathematics What does winter look like? How do animals and birds survive in winter? Water Spring term Counting objects 1:1 Sorting and matching Shapes Pattern Measurements Winter Water Wonderland Spring/New life Literacy Visits, visitors and experiences Expressive arts and design Phase 1 Environmental and instrumental sounds Phase 2 Story settings, characters and events Writing for different purposes I can write my name Apple orchard – Mill Lane Winter walk Big Schools birdwatch Role play – Explorers / Polar Lands Using different mediums to capture winter/new life Sing familiar and new topic related signs – nursery rhymes