Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 March 2012 Adrian Stephens nominee statement for 802.11 Working Group 2nd Vice Chair Date: 2012-02-24 Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, Some Company
Qualifications / Experience Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 March 2012 Qualifications / Experience IEEE 802.11 2nd vice chair for the last 4 years Attended most 802.11 sessions since 1999 and contributed technically to 802.11e, 802.11n, 802.11ac and 802.11REVmb Was technical editor for 802.11n and 802.11REVmb. Working group Technical editor. Working group ANA. Chair of numerous ad-hoc groups related to 802.11 activities Product development in wireless communications for ~18 years Architected and/or implemented 3 x 802.11 systems Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, Some Company
March 2012 Some Achievements Continuing to simplify website appearance and clean up obsolete content. Delivered rapid membership updates. Provide individual email notifications when membership status changes. Rapidly released multiple WG LBs without resets Developed close working relationship with IEEE-SA staff in the evaluation and evolution of their tools (e.g. ePoll, IMAT) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
March 2012 Backup Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation
Employer’s Endorsement Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 March 2012 Employer’s Endorsement A letter of endorsement will be filed with the IEEE 802 EC recording secretary. “In accordance with IEEE 802 LAN MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) Policies and Procedures, which require a letter of endorsement for any working group officer position that requires endorsement by the IEEE 802 EC, we provide this letter of endorsement for Dr Adrian P Stephens to serve as Vice Chair of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. Adrian is qualified for the position. He has been a member of 802.11 continuously since 1999. He has been 802.11 vice chair for the last four years. He was P802.11n and he is P802.11REVmb technical editor. He has contributed significant technical content to both IEEE 802.11 through the years and has led various technical activities related to 802.11. Intel recognizes that this position requires time, travel and other resources, which we will support while Adrian is an Intel employee. (This support does not in any way modify the employee relationship between Dr. Stephens and Intel.) Intel recognizes that as a Working Group Vice Chair, Adrian’s participation is as “a professional and individual expert” as specified in 6.1 of the IEEE 802 Operations Manual.” Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, Some Company
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 March 2012 Vision for the future I propose a focus on defining clear goals and effective processes Goals: Address market needs – driven by marketing input Limit the scope of what we authorize so it directly addresses these needs Processes: Avoid selection processes which result in “kitchen sink” outcomes. Rules: Continuous review. Challenge rules that are outdated. Responsive leadership: an expected response time for any management process (e.g. a guaranteed 2 days for releasing a ballot or 1 day for putting a draft on the server). Use technology when appropriate to avoid human error. Engage early and positively with IEEE-SA to ensure their tools meet the needs of our membership. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, Some Company