PHONES UP Have your LBJ chart out
Warm Up Which piece of Great Society legislation do you think made the most impact on society and why? Be ready to discuss with the class!
1960’s Civil Rights Nonviolent vs. Violent
Harsh Reality for African Americans Segregation (even after SC rulings) Schools, public services, private buildings, neighborhoods Voter Suppression Poll taxes Literacy tests Violence and intimidation Higher unemployment Discrimination
Integration Hostility James Meredith - University of Mississippi First African American to attend, 1962 Riots, two students killed
Violent Civil Rights Groups Malcolm X Went to jail, discovered Nation of Islam aka Black Muslims (“Whites are devils”) Met orthodox Muslims in Mecca (“Equality for all races...only blacks can free themselves”) Created Organization of Afro-American Unity Shot by a Black Muslim at his own rally (1965) Black Panthers (1966) Militant self-defense
Non - Violent Organizations and their Methods SNCC - Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Freedom Rides and Sit Ins Voting registration 1967 - break from nonviolence CORE - Congress of Racial Equality Freedom Rides NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Thurgood Marshall court cases SCLC - Southern Christian Leadership Conference MLK Boycotts Marches Civil Disobedience
Martin Luther King Jr. Remember Montgomery Bus Boycott? SCLC president Boycotts and Sit Ins in Birmingham, Alabama Why do you think he went to jail here? Wrote his famous set of documents, Letters from Birmingham Jail
Letters from Birmingham Jail Read the section given from MLK’s letter and answer the following questions (yes you can write on it!) Summarize MLK’s point of view - what is the message he is trying to send? What arguments does he make to try to get readers to understand his point of view? highlight/underline a quote that you liked the best. Explain why? Be ready to discuss in pods
March on Washington “I Have a Dream” (August 1963) What does he dream for Mississippi? What does he dream for his kids? What is the purpose of the speech?
Civil Rights Legislation Civil Rights Act of 1957 Ensured all African Americans have the right to vote Still had poll taxes and literacy tests, sound fair? Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act 1965
Exit Ticket - Video Questions Why did people look up to MLK? What are some examples of nonviolent ways to protest? What was the purpose of the March on Washington?