Gal Bar Adi Haviv Yuval Kesten MiKiZaZa Computer Science Workshop Under the supervision of Prof. Muli Safra Gal Bar Adi Haviv Yuval Kesten
The story behind… Cinema Faculty’s need - mobile aware interactive content player for hand-held devices. Instead of implementing a specific project we decided to develop a generic platform. Client-Supplier relationships with Udi Ben Arie’s cinema students. Weekly meetups with the cinema guys. We took this project as a small mini startup We are all into theory…
Anyone can create – Everyone can play! MiKiZaZa MiKiZaZa is an interactive content player for the android platform. It plays on-line media and interacts with the user using the touch screen, accelerometer, compass, GPS and more. It plays content which can be easily created using our PC editor. Anyone can create – Everyone can play!
Hands-On Mobile App
Hands-On MiKiZaZa Editor
Why Android??? Open Source OS Java New promising platform It’s so cool… We started with the iPhone SDK but …
Why Android??? We started with the iPhone SDK but …
Technologies Amazon S3 XML-SAX WPF Android SDK Java .NET 1. XML – yes parsing is easy but… from 1 minute of parsing to < 5 seconds
Design Dynamic content Whenever the app starts it loads the start menu details from the web – each entry points to an online XML wich is the game screen-play. Emphsize the fact that one app plays all content!!! Add images
Design Dynamic content Whenever the app starts it loads the start menu details – XML catalouge from the web – each entry points to an online XML wich is the game screen-play. Emphsize the fact that one app plays all content!!! Add images
Design Class Diagram!!! Adi will make with Gal Polymorphism. The ease of adding new events, results XML -> Creation of the model. OnStart – The game controller plays the game from the first movie. The GameController post actions to the GameView to draw new objects on the UI thread
MiKiZaZa Editor WPF Application Simple user interface to create the Project’s XML. Real time creation, modification and display of events. Enables editing of an existing project. Can use online or local media. Developed with TAU cinema students. GAL!!!!
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