Factors affecting water systems Science 8 Hantsport School P. Warren
Temperature Over fishing Upwelling Pollution Main Factors Temperature Over fishing Upwelling Pollution
Temperature Average Earth temperature has increased due to emissions from carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor (Greenhouse Gases—result of burning of fossil fuels) Gases are trapped in the atmosphere Climate change
Rise in Temperature Results Melting of Polar Ice Caps in the North Flooding—contamination of water Drought in other areas Drying up of lakes and streams Affect fish, seals, polar bears
Over fishing Fish population decreases to a dangerously low level as a result of humans and animals One third of marine species’ population has decreased. Increased technology has made over fishing easier—improved equipment and larger nets
Disruption of the food web Over fishing Result Disruption of the food web
Upwelling Driven by wind, deep cold water is brought to the oceans surface decreasing water temperature. Nutrient-rich water moves to the surface, where fish can use it for a food supply Increased fish population—which is a great for the food web
Upwelling El Nino effect El Nino (warm winds) disrupts upwelling and affects the food chain. If there is no enough upwelling fish die or move to colder water in search of food supply Creates hurricane environments due to increased warm air temperatures at surface of water. Cause flooding
Water Pollution Anything that contaminates or makes something unclean Water Pollution—sewage, animal wastes, industrial plants, oils, acids, dyes, pesticides, etc. Fact—60 million gallons of oil enters the ocean each year.
Water Pollution Result Pollution such as farm fertilizers increase algae bloom growth—use up oxygen also when dead in breaking them down Pollution leads to oxygen depletion in our waters Toxic chemicals give diseases to, and kill, marine species Sediment can block the Sun—main component of photosynthesis